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Little Red Riding Hood..

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Presentation on theme: "Little Red Riding Hood.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Little Red Riding Hood.

2 Little Red Riding Hood. Once there was a little girl called Little red riding hood. Her Mummy told her to go to her Grandmas house with some grossers. Then she met the wolf. She meets the wolf she carries on walking. . She meets the wolf and follows the wolf

3 Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf askes her where she’s going. She said her grandmas house. The wolf runs to her grandmas house and gobbles her up and gets into her Nightgown. The wolf stands in front of her grandmas house and when little Red Riding Hood got tot to her grandmas house and gobbled Little Red Riding Hood up.

4 Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf terns round and gobbles her up. THE END.

5 Little Red Riding Hood. Little red riding hood gets to her grandmas house and goes into her grandmas bed room. She starts asking questions. The wolf is in her bed and Little Red Riding Hood sits on her knee.

6 Little red riding hood. THE END.

7 Little red riding hood. She askes why her ear ears were so big.
Her mummy hers Little Red Riding Hood scream and ran in. Whey are your teeth so big.

8 Little red riding hood. The wolf jumps up and gobbles her up.

9 Little red riding hood. She saw that grandma wasn’t there and she cut open the wolfs belly got grandma out. And put onions in the wolfs belly. THE END.

10 Little red riding hood. Because I’m going to eat you. And he ate Little Red Riding Hood. THE END.

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