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Free Online Survey Music Video Analysis

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1 Free Online Survey Music Video Analysis
Megan Saville

2 Question 1: What gender do you class yourself as?
The question “what gender do you class yourself as?” isn’t discriminatory against any gender as I have used the noun “class” which is open to different connotations and is very open within its denotive meaning. My results have shown that 11 females and 4 males. In general we expected this as females tend to get the survey filled in on time or the same day it is given where as males are more laid back and will complete it in their own time.

3 Question 2: How old are you?
This is a generic question that is stereotypically in a questionnaire/survey. Within my survey the majority of responses we received were from year olds which is within the target audience range. Although we didn’t get many people above 18 year old completing the survey so maybe next time we should advertise our survey on social media to get a more diverse response.

4 Question 3: What was your overall reaction to the music video?
From this question in particular, the overall conclusion we have come to is our music video is ‘Good’. Although we had two responses that described our music video as ‘Fair’ which overall we feel is good as we have no responses that felt our music video was ‘poor’.

5 Question 4: Does the music video remind you of another one
Question 4: Does the music video remind you of another one? If so please specify which and why? The verdict from this question “Does the music video remind you of another one? If so please specify which and why?’ was that our music video didn’t remind our audience of any other music video which was our initial aim. Although we had one response which described the music video as one of the Arctic Monkeys which The Carousel are a band who sounds like them.

6 Question 5: Do you think the video matched the song?
The overall result from the question ‘Do you think the video matched the song?’ was successful as the majority response was that our video matched our song chosen. However, we had one response that some of the shot transitions were confusing which we are aiming to improve before the upload of the final cut.

7 Question 6: After watching this music video would you look up The Carousel again?
This question in particular got a mixed response although the majority was ambivalent. This shows the audience we used to answer our survey wasn’t exactly our target audience although they are within our age demographic.

8 Question 7: Would you recommend watching this music video to a friend?
Overall this question got an ambivalent response as this was the majority. This could be because of the band we used or the video in general as this question wasn’t too specific as it was open to interpretation.

9 Question 8: Was the storyline explanatory within its initial meaning?
This question shows that our storyline was explanatory within its initial meaning as the response from this question was that 9 people said ‘yes’ although 5 people said ‘no’.

10 Question 9: If this music video featured on music channel/s which would you see it on?
This question wasn’t really helpful within our survey as the answers were the same as we initially thought meaning it was pointless within its purpose.

11 Question 10: What would you change about this music video?
The suggestions from the audience are helpful before we upload our final cut of our music video.

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