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Your name: ____________________________________

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1 Your name: ____________________________________
In the tradition of the Picture Caption Contest of the 2010 IDSW, we would like to invite you to another challenge: how well do you know your Head? The quiz “Knowing your Department Head in 13 Easy Questions” is a mandatory exercise and, like the annual assessment, needs to be done by each and everyone … including the Heads themselves! The best match with the Heads’ answers will receive a fantastic prize! But mind you, the Heads being the Heads, they tend to have their own ideas, so they will probably often make use of “option d” and provide their own answers. Of course, since you know your Heads very well, even better than they know themselves, you will easily guess what they will write. So feel free to jot it down in answer “d”, as you see fit. Those of you who are blessed to “have” or “know” two Heads should of course fill in both columns! Your name: ____________________________________ 1. Which movie character would he like to play? Moses (in The Ten Commandments) Harry Potter (in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) Moby Dick (in Moby Dick) ____________________________________________________ 2. In a motion picture of SRE, which actor would play the department heads? George Clooney Tom Cruise Sacha Baron Cohen 3. Buying a 30-m yacht, how would he name her? Minor Stuff Plan B ___________________________________________________ 4. Which of these jobs he would chose (equal pay, all “off scale”)? WWE Wrestler Hair Growth Research Test Person Pope 5. Left with these beverage choices in a long meeting, what would be his pick? Milk Diet Cherry Coke Vodka b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a If You Can Read This Flip Me Over b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a

2 6. Which seat would he really like to have on the next flight to Paris and why?
Aisle seat in business class, the usual 2C Bulkhead in economy, costs less but can hear business class talks Next to the captain, he too has to check boxes for his work ____________________________________________________ 7. Flying back together after a stormy SPC meeting, where will they sit? Same row, one empty seat in between As far away as possible from one another Next to a blond lady, with a bottle of champagne (she, not he!) 8. If challenged for a duel, which of the following weapons would they pick? Revolver (Type: Smith & Wesson) Laser Swords (Type: Luke Skywalker) Microsoft Excel user’s manual (Type: Evil Empire book) ___________________________________________________ 9. With which superhero has he always identified himself? Batman Spiderman Robin (that is Batman’s assistant, not Robin Hood ;-) 10. If he were the lead singer in a band, what would the name of the band be? Coldplay Right Said Fred Academy of Saint Cecilia 11. His stage name when he resigns to follow his dream career in gangster rap: Eminem Ghost Face Killa Mrs Pickwick 12. Which of them is better at doing the following? Arm wrestling Pull a wheelie on a bike Climb the Eiger’s North Face (day or night, his choice) 13. Upon entering a bar, which one of them would: Buy the first round Offer to buy the next round Ask the other to buy the next round, plus crisps and pork scratchings b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a

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