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17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius Reporting by Member States under the Directives, status and results Dick van den Hout.

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Presentation on theme: "17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius Reporting by Member States under the Directives, status and results Dick van den Hout."— Presentation transcript:

1 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius Reporting by Member States under the Directives, status and results Dick van den Hout

2 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius2 Raw data and network info under EoI Zones and exceedances under FWD and DDs 1 2 3 Abatement planning Reporting by Member States to Commission under AQ legislation EoI: Exchange of Information Decision FWD and DDs: Framework Directive and Daughter Directives Questionnaire Decision 2004/224/EC

3 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius3 Margin of Tolerance (MOT): legal threshold for drawing up abatement plans

4 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius4 Reporting “Plans or programmes” to meet the limit values in time (1) Summaries of PPs have to be sent to Commission within 2 years after year when zone was above LV+MOT. Reporting template under Decision 2004/224/EC All EU15 except one have sent PPs to the Commission on 2001 and/or 2002. For new Member States no obligation yet.

5 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius5 Reporting “Plans or programmes” to meet the limit values in time (2) In total about 120 PPs received. (One PP can cover more than one exceedance situations.) LV+MOT is decreasing  more PPs to be expected. A consultancy study to analyse the PPs in depth will start soon.

6 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius6 Raw data and network info under EoI Zones and exceedances under FWD and DDs 1 2 3 Abatement planning Reporting by Member States to Commission under AQ legislation EoI: Exchange of Information Decision FWD and DDs: Framework Directive and Daughter Directives Questionnaire Decision 2004/461/EC

7 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius7 Main elements of questionnaire (DD1 and DD2) Zone designation List of zones exceeding LV or LV+MOT List of zones exceeding UAT or LAT List of individual exceedances (annual, daily, hourly) + reason of each exceedance For zones with derogation: SO 2 natural sources PM 10 natural events and winter sanding Lead: ‘specific sources’ Benzene: Article 3(2) extension period List of stations and measurement methods Statistics 24 hour PM 2.5 Statistics 10 minutes SO 2 Results of Suppl. Assessment: maps and/or spatial statistics Exceedances under old AQ directives

8 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius8 Questionnaires AQ Daughter Directives received 5 5 5

9 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius9 Quality of submissions Unprotected Excel format was chosen for flexibility (and low development costs); but errors are not rejected. Many trivial errors, which we could correct by hand Substantial number of non-trivial errors; several important mandatory data (e.g. station identification) missing for some MSs Some voluntary data are needed for evaluation, but have not been filled in by all MSs, e.g. exceedance of Upper Assessment Threshold, population in zones.

10 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius10 Example of zone maps: Austria

11 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius11 Example of zone maps: Belgium

12 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius12 Example of zone maps: Lithuania

13 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius13 Example of zone maps: Finland

14 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius14 Example of zone maps: Slovenia

15 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius15 Example of zone maps: United Kingdom

16 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius16 Example of zone maps: Greece

17 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius17 Example of zone maps: Germany SO 2

18 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius18 Example of zone maps: Germany Ecosystem/ vegetation

19 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius19 EU-wide zone map is needed For presentation of air quality information by Commission and EEA, an EU-wide zone map is needed. Half of the EU15 Member States have sent digital zone border coordinates: as border polygones or as GIS files. But hard to rework to a consistent EU map! Consistency of zone borders between Member States is important; proposal for exchange to be developed soon.

20 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius20 Total number of zones (EU15 and 5 new MSs), dependent on pollutant and protection target

21 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius21

22 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius22 Area of Zones by Member State

23 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius23 Population of zones by Member State

24 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius24 Zones exceeding LV (+MOT) for SO 2, lead, benzene and CO in 2003

25 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius25 Zones exceeding LV (+MOT) for NO 2, NO x and PM 10 in 2003

26 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius26 Comparision of stringency of limit values (here excl. MOT!)

27 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius27 Trends in % zones exceeding LV (+MOT if existing) for EU15 excl. Italy

28 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius28 Trends in % zones exceeding LV (here excl. MOT!) for EU15 excl. Italy

29 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius29 Main reasons of exceedance

30 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius30 Station types where exceedances were found

31 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius31 Station areas where exceedances were found

32 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius32 Ratio of the number of urban background and traffic stations in MSs Proposed in revised AQ directive: ratio between 1/3 and 2/3

33 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius33 Comparision of station classification under EoI and the Ozone Directive (1) O3 Dir classification EoI Classi fication …

34 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius34 Comparision of station classification under EoI and the Ozone Directive (2) Suitable for assessment under Ozone Directive?

35 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius35 Percentage of zones for which the compliance status was based on modelling

36 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius36 Maps and spatial statistics Voluntary reporting per zone: how much of area / street length / population / ecosystem is above limit values? One MSs (CZ) sent this for all zones and all pollutants, 4 MSs sent this partially, the other not.

37 17-18 October 200510th EIONET Workshop Vilnius37 Concluding remarks Report on 2001-2003 to be published soon. Too many (large and small) inconsistencies in MSs’ reports  processing is cumbersome and time consuming All FWD stations must also be reported under EoI as well, including EoI station code for identification! Voluntary status of certain data makes compliance checking partially impossible Today still limited use of modelling for compliance checking

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