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Persuasive Devices. Repetition. Imagery. Short sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Devices. Repetition. Imagery. Short sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Devices. Repetition. Imagery. Short sentences.
Emotive language. Rhetorical questions.

2 Repetition. Why is repetition important?
By repeating a short phrase or even a single word the writer or speaker is making it memorable for the audience. These words and phrases are often repeated three times: “threefold repetition”. They can be separated within a speech or text but your repeated phrases must be short and memorable!

3 Imagery. Imagery is when we create an image (picture) in the audience’s mind. It is important that the image should be something to which the audience can relate. Martin Luther King used much biblical imagery in his speeches because many of those in his audience were practising Christians.

4 Short sentences. Short sentences are very important because:
The audience must be able to understand exactly what you are saying. If they do not understand you, you cannot persuade them! Note that short sentences directly relate to repetition.

5 Emotive language. When you are trying to persuade someone you are manipulating their emotions, so it is important to use emotive language. This can involve exaggeration. (If you are campaigning on behalf of laboratory animals they are not just “laboratory animals” they are “poor, frightened, defenceless animals”. Remember: do not get carried away and use too many adjectives or else the force of your message will be less powerful.

6 Rhetorical Questions. Rhetorical questions are questions that do not require a direct answer. They often use inclusive words like we or our to suggest that the speaker (or writer) shares the audience’s concerns: “Aren’t we all horrified by the way in which cars are polluting our city?”

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