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Starter Name the two main alliances?

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1 Starter Name the two main alliances?
Name the countries involved in each alliance? Which country joined the war in 1915? Which country had a treaty with Serbia? Name 5 neutral countries in Europe. Which country changed sides during the war?

2 Starter Which country joined the war in 1915?
Name the two main alliances? Triple Alliance and Triple Entente Name the countries involved in each alliance? Britain, France and Russia Germany, Aus/Hungary and Italy Which country joined the war in 1915? Ottoman Empire Which country had a treaty with Serbia? Russia Name 3 of the neutral countries? Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Norway. Which country changed sides during the war? Italy

3 Causes of WW1 - Militarism
Learning Objectives How did the European powers increase their militaries before the war? What were the reasons they built up their militaries?

4 WW1 Soldier Modern Day Soldier Unique to WW1 soldier Similarities
Unique to modern day soldier

5 Why is the Arms race a major cause of WWI?
What is Militarism Why is the Arms race a major cause of WWI?

6 Militarism What does it mean? Countries make their armies bigger
Governments spend more on military Governments say it is for defensive reasons, but often they go on to attack Write your own definition of what militarism means Can you think of any examples of militarism today?

7 What does the cartoon suggest about the Arms Race?

8 Soldiers – Draw a table to show the numbers of soldiers by 1914
Country Soldier Numbers 4,500,000 3,750,000 1,400,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 1) Which country had the most soldiers by 1914? 2) Who had the most soldiers – the Triple Alliance or the Triple Entente? 3) Would the number of soldiers the alliances had affect the outcome of a war? Why do you think this?

9 Military Spending (in British pounds)

10 Which country spent the most money on their military?
Money Spent 70,000,000 68,000,000 55,000,000 50,000,000 38,000,000 10,000,000 Which country spent the most money on their military? Did the Triple Alliance or Triple Entente spend more on their militaries? Why might militaries need to spend money?


12 Dreadnought Production – Draw a table to represent the information
Year Britain Germany 1906 1907 By 1914, how many dreadnaughts did each country have? In what year was the most dreadnoughts built? What may be the reasons for this? Why might an advantage on the sea be beneficial for the British?

13 How did European powers increase their militaries before WWI?
Identify three ways in which European countries increased their militaries

14 The Schlieffen Plan

15 The Schleiffen Plan - 1914 Assumptions
Germany could not fight against Russia and France at the same time Russia would take 6 weeks to mobilise their army France would be defeated within 6 weeks Belgium wouldn’t offer any resistance Britain would remain neutral despite having an agreement with Belgium to offer support

16 The French Plans French Plan XVII (1913)
Attack into Germany to recover Alsace & Lorraine Assumed: • Superiority of French soldier • Germany would honor Belgian neutrality (threat of Britain)

17 Reality On 2nd August 1914 Germany invaded Luxembourg and Belgium The Germans were held up in Belgium and the British arrived to support the Belgians Russia mobilised in just 10 days and German troops were forced to move to the eastern front Germany could not take Paris and therefore couldn’t take France

18 Schlieffen Plan vs Plan 17
What was the Schlieffen Plan? Why did Von Schlieffen believe the plan could work? Would the French Plan 17, to attack through Alsace Lorraine work against the Germans?

19 Plenary If this is the answer, what is the question? 3,750,000
Britain, France and Russia Dreadnoughts Arms race £70,000,000 1914

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