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Using Social Media for MIPPA Outreach

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1 Using Social Media for MIPPA Outreach
June 8, 2017 Debbie Bisswurm and Jane Mahoney

2 Expand outreach with social Media
Many Types of Social Media YouTube Facebook Pinterest Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Tumblr Google+ **How many people have used social media for MIPPA outreach?

3 Facebook Most used social media network on the Internet
Highest number of users – 18% increase year over year Most recognized – 68% of adult population uses Facebook Businesses use Facebook frequently Increase exposure Reach a targeted audience Average time spent on FB is 20 minutes Stats from 2017

4 Why Use Facebook? Free – (or mostly) Relatively easy
Can post in advance Increases exposure to your agency and programs Touches a different audience – caregivers/adult children Use to advertise events Data/feedback about what is working - who you are reaching and when Can pay to boost posts Many new/small businesses use FB instead of a website

5 Examples of Facebook use by partners
NCOA Social Security Administration Senior Medicare Patrol Wisconsin’s Family Caregiver Support Programs Medicare Senior Resource Center – Sawyer County AARP OTHERS? Medicare Rights Center Wisconsin DHS All of these organizations have facebook pages. They are good to check out - you can use information they post.

6 NCOA’s Facebook campaign
Used social media to promote benefits for low-income MC beneficiaries Goals: Raise awareness of benefits Encourage people to use BenefitsCheckUp Started by using staff who used social media and could fit it into work One FB post every other day There was a presentation on using social media for MIPPA last September and I will share some notes from that presentation.



9 Senior Medicare Patrol Facebook Campaign
Purpose – promote SMP Facebook Page Reach – Beneficiaries and caregivers Biggest success – Fraud Prevention Tip Tuesdays Used infographics and pictures Tag everyone you can to expand your reach Pictures of presentations they gave This was the SMP Virginia presentation

10 Fraud Prevention Tip Tuesday Sample Posts

11 More SMP Sample Posts SMP’s from across the country have different pages and share posts Eau Claire one is a video

12 More Sample Posts… AARP also did a post about the new Medicare Cards – different approach. They could each repost each other’s posts, too.

13 Sample of Medicare’s Facebook page posts

14 Sample posts from Sawyer County’s Facebook Page

15 Posting Tips Post regularly – at least 3x/week
Create compelling and original content Use graphics – people will skip your post if it is just words Pictures of animals and people are the most compelling Choose the right time of day Noon to 3:00, M – F and noon to 1:00 Weekends Write concise text – the first 3-4 words are most crucial to get reader’s attention

16 More Posting Tips Include your phone number or website link so people have somewhere to get questions answered Consider your audience and adjust accordingly Direct information to adult children vs. older spouse Can also share other organizations posts that are pertinent Tie message to current events – July 4th, upcoming event, etc. Medicare Blog Website – can post to FB directly from their page “Like” other agency pages to find posts that are pertinent – scroll through their pictures!

17 Starting a Facebook Page
From an existing page Your agency page From your personal page Can be completely separate Create a fake account Must start from an existing account

18 Creating a page continued
From your Home screen, click Pages, then Create Page Choose the type of page (Company Organization or Institution) Give it a name and click Get Started Follow on-screen instructions You can choose page Administrators and page Managers Give others permission to post, etc.

19 Things to consider Allow others to posts? Schedule posts ahead of time
Visitor posts can be seen only if approved Visitor posts show up on the side bar Schedule posts ahead of time Someone to be in charge each day Check notifications

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