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Feudalism in Europe.

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1 Feudalism in Europe

2 Attacking Europe After the fall of the Roman Empire, many groups attacked Europe Vikings = North Magyars = East Muslims = South

3 Scared for Their Lives Europeans lived in fear
Relied on local rulers with own armies for protection

4 Feudalism Begins Feudalism = political system of governing and landholding A Lord owned land given by the king A Vassal received land. The land was called a Fief.

5 Lords Get Protection In exchange for the land, vassals promise to protect the Lord, his people, and his land


7 It’s Good To Be King At the top of society was the King
The king owned all the land and loaned it to high-ranking vassals (Lords and Nobles)

8 Knighty Knight Lords and nobles needed people to protect their land.
Lords and nobles gave fiefs to knights in exchange for military help. The Black Knight

9 The Kingdom of Lakeview
Mr. Doyle owns the land. He’s the King!! He wants great teaching and learning to happen but he can’t do it all alone

10 Kingdom of Lakeview, Part Deux
Mr. Doyle grants fiefs (classrooms) to teachers to provide him great teaching and learning. Teachers are like Lords, Nobles, and Knights. In exchange teachers get paid by Mr. Doyle

11 Serfs Down, Man Serfs were common people who worked for knights and lords in exchange for food and protection. They were the bottom of society. Some were free, others were not They rented land

12 Kingdom of Lakeview, Part Tres
Students in the classroom are like serfs (except all are free.) Teachers (lords and nobles) provide students with lots of great teaching. In exchange, the students gain the skills to become active, informed citizens.

13 Lord of the Manor Manor is the estate (land) owned by the lord
Manor system = economic system Peasants worked on the land in exchange for the lord’s protection





18 More on Manors Self-contained communities
Most people didn’t leave the manor Tough life

19 Nobles Used Heraldry This expressed identity and status in society
Every aspect of the Heraldry was symbolic Often this was represented in a coat-of-arms



22 COLORS Even the colors can have special meaning in a "family crest" or coat of arms:  Gold Generosity and elevation of the mind Silver or White Peace and sincerity Red Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity Blue Truth and loyalty Green Hope, joy, and loyalty in love Black Constancy or grief Purple Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice Orange Worthy ambition Maroon Patient in battle, and yet victorious

23 Queen Elizabeth’s Coat of Arms

24 Your Turn Create your own coat of arms Must include
At least 5 items representing things important to you Your name must be on the crest On the back, describe what the colors and symbols mean and why they are important.

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