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Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

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1 Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
Mr. Green

2 A Powerful Spanish empire
Charles V of Spain divided his empire to the following: Brother Ferdinand inherited the Austrian Empire and the Holy Roman Empire Son Phillip II inherited Spain, Spanish Netherlands, and American Colonies

3 Phillip II: His Empire When his uncle died, he inherited all of Portugal and their colonies He now had an empire that circled the globe Claimed a fourth of every shipload of treasure to himself Spain was able to sustain an army of 50,000 soldiers

4 Defender of Catholicism
To defend the name of Catholics, the Pope declared war on the Ottoman Empire Phillip II responded with an Armada- fleet of ships for Spain His Armada defeated the Ottomans but were defeated by Elizabeth I and England in 1588

5 The Spanish Empire Weakens
Treasures from the Americas caused long-term economic problems, but why? Severe inflation- decline in the value of money, accompanied by a rise in the price of goods and services Since nobles did not have to pay taxes, Spain never developed a middle-class Spain also bought goods from their enemies

6 A Dutch Revolt Phillip II wanted to eradicate Protestantism in the Netherlands (executed 1,500 in one day) The northern parts of the Netherlands got their independence after 11 years of fighting The Dutch became the world leaders in banking and trading

7 Absolutism Turn to page 160 and create your own “Causes and Effects” chart. Please include every detail. We will discuss when completed.

8 Theory of Absolutism Kings and Queens wanted complete power over their lands and they said this was legal due to divine right. This allowed the rulers to to whatever they pleased fit

9 Use Your Notes Using your notes and knowledge gained today, please explain four (4) conditions most necessary for a monarch to gain power. Include this material within your notes.

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