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Monasteries and Missionaries

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1 Monasteries and Missionaries
Learning Target 7.37: I can examine the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and the roles played by the early church and by monasteries in its diffusion after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire.

2 Learning Target 7.37 I can examine how Christianity spread north of the Alps after the Western Roman Empire fell.

3 Fold your paper like the one shown in the diagram.
Create a Foldable Fold your paper like the one shown in the diagram.

4 Label the front cover as shown in the diagram.
Create a Foldable Monasteries and Missionaries Monasteries and Missionaries Label the front cover as shown in the diagram. What is a monastery? What is a monastery? Learning Target 7.37 Learning Target 7.37

5 Cut along the creased lines for the inside (right side) flap only.
Create a Foldable Cut along the creased lines for the inside (right side) flap only.

6 Early Monasteries New Christian Communities (pp. 93-94)
The Contributions of Monks and Nuns (p. 250) Religion Affected Society and New Religious Orders (pp ) Read each section. Answer the question, “What is a monastery?” On the front cover of your foldable, write a brief summary about each section.

7 Using the colors shown, label each tab.
Create a Foldable Patrick Using the colors shown, label each tab. Boniface Augustine Cyril and Methodius

8 Early Missionaries Patrick (p. 250) Boniface Augustine (pp. 95 & 250)
Cyril and Methodius (pp ) Who? What? When? Where? Why?

9 Patrick AD 400s Ireland Started churches and monasteries in Ireland
After being a teenage slave, he became a monk, and later a missionary

10 Boniface AD 700s Germany and Belgium
Chosen to be abbot of his monastery, but he wanted to be a missionary instead Cut down a tree associated with a non-Christian god, Thor

11 Augustine AD 597 England Known as Augustine of Canterbury
Was sent as a missionary to England by Pope Gregory along with 40 other monks

12 Cyril and Methodius AD 863 Eastern Europe
Brothers who worked together as missionaries Created an alphabet for the Slavic languages

13 Missionaries North of the Alps
Patrick to the Celts in Ireland Boniface to the Germanic tribes in Germany Augustine to the Anglo-Saxons in England Cyril and Methodius to the Slavs in Eastern Europe Alps

14 Learning Target 7.37 I can examine how Christianity spread north of the Alps after the Western Roman Empire fell.

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