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Create Your Own Video Game: Aztec Edition

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Presentation on theme: "Create Your Own Video Game: Aztec Edition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create Your Own Video Game: Aztec Edition

2 Lesson Essential Question
Concept # 2: Daily Life Lesson Essential Question What makes a place culturally unique?

3 Create Your Own Video Game: Aztec Edition
Complete Challenges 1-4 to create a historically accurate video game based on daily life in the Aztec Empire. Challenge 1: Main Character Challenge 2: Levels/Storyline Challenge 3: Game Economy Challenge 4: Digital Presentation * Check Schoology for resource folders tailored to each of the quests (readings, PowerPoints, pictures, websites) to get you started on your research.

4 Video Game Character: Chatterpix
You will be creating a 30 second recording with key information about your main character. Be sure to include: Name + Social Class Quest/Goal Background/Bio Special Talents/Object Overview of power points

5 Challenge 2: Levels/Storyline
Design 3 levels of increasing difficulty that divide your quest into smaller parts. Each level should include the following: Level Name Detailed level storyline and goal Detailed Setting description Physical geography Climate Location Etc. **Remember to blend creativity with historical accuracy

6 Challenge 3: Game Economy
Design economic elements for your game 3-4 Power ups 3-4 Challenges Detailed scoring guide How will you keep score? How will a player win? **Remember to blend creativity with historical accuracy

7 Sample Presentation Slide 1: Title of Game/Name of Student(s)/ Period # Slide 2: Character Chatterpix Slide 3: Level 1 Pictures Slide 4/5: Level 1 Description + Power-ups/Obstacles Slide 6: Level 2 Pictures Slide 7/8: Level 2 Description + Power-ups/Obstacles Slide 9: Level 3 Pictures Slide 10/11: Level 3 Description + Power- ups/Obstacles Slide 12: Scorekeeping Slide 13: Citations

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