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Worship!!! Tech: After worship, cue title slide

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1 Worship!!! Tech: After worship, cue title slide

2 Hello everyone. Are you ready for another week of “Pixel Party
Hello everyone! Are you ready for another week of “Pixel Party?” Kids respond. Hmm…that was just okay. Let’s try again. Say with more enthusiasm. Are you ready for another week of “Pixel Party?!” Kids respond. That’s more like it!

3 A pixel is just a little square, but when you put a bunch of them together, they add up to form a picture. During the “Pixel Party,” (hold up a Post-it® Note) these little squares are going to give us a picture of the incredible love that Jesus has for us. Before we get started with today’s story, we’re going to play a game called, “Is That Too Big?”

4 Tech: Cue “Is That Too Big
Tech: Cue “Is That Too Big?” Slide The game is simple, I’ll ask you if something is too big and you tell me “yes” or “no.” Choose a smaller kid to join you in the teaching area. One at a time, place oversized objects on the kid, then ask everyone, “Is That Too Big?”

5 To helper. Wow—you look pretty ridiculous in this outfit
To helper. Wow—you look pretty ridiculous in this outfit! I think most of us can agree that these things are all WAY too big! You know—that reminds me of another question. Is there a sin that is too big to be forgiven?

6 Can you mess up so bad that Jesus says, “no way, uh-uh, that’s too big
Can you mess up so bad that Jesus says, “no way, uh-uh, that’s too big!?” Before you answer, maybe we should look at today’s Bible story. To helper again: Oh yeah—and maybe we should get you out of these ridiculous clothes. Help kid out of oversized clothes and dismiss.

7 Tech: Cue Big Bible Story Slide Invite one kid from each group to the stage, with their group’s mask. Place the masks in this order: Jesus, Simon Sad Woman Surprised Man #1 & #2 At the appropriate time, turn the masks around.

8 Turn the “Jesus” and “Simon the Pharisee” faces toward the audience
Turn the “Jesus” and “Simon the Pharisee” faces toward the audience. One day a Pharisee named Simon invited Jesus to have dinner at his house. The Pharisees thought they were better than everyone else and they did NOT like Jesus because they thought He was lying about being God’s Son even though He really was.

9 We’re not sure why Simon invited Jesus to have dinner, but when he did, Jesus said, “yes!” Hand Simon a fork and a spoon. Here you go, Simon! Use this fork and spoon to pretend like to eat. Simon blindly pretends to eat. He’ll most likely miss his mouth. Have fun with it.

10 Turn the “Sad Woman” face toward the audience
Turn the “Sad Woman” face toward the audience. While Simon and Jesus were eating, a sinful woman came to Simon’s house with a special jar of perfume. Hand jar to the “Woman.” The Bible doesn’t say what she had done wrong, but we know it was something big—REALLY big!

11 When she saw Jesus, she dropped down on her knees and cried at His feet. Prompt “Woman” to kneel at Jesus’ feet and pretend to cry. Hmm…that’s pretty good, but I think she cried even harder than that. Prompt “Woman” to cry harder. Wow—nice job!

12 She cried so hard that her tears soaked Jesus’ feet, so then she wiped His feet with her hair. Prompt “Woman” to wipe Jesus’ feet. Finally, she kissed Jesus’ feet and poured perfume on them. Prompt “Woman” to pretend pouring the jar on Jesus’ feet.

13 When Simon saw what was happening, he said to himself, “If this man was really the Son of God, He would never let this woman touch Him—she’s a sinner!” When Jesus heard what Simon had said, he told this little story: Pick up Bible and read Luke 7:41-43

14 “‘Two people owed money to a certain lender
“‘Two people owed money to a certain lender. One owed him 500 silver coins. The other owed him 50 silver coins. Neither of them had the money to pay him back. So he let them go without paying. Which of them will love him more?’ Simon replied, ‘I suppose the one who owed the most money.’ ‘You are right,’ Jesus said.”

15 Then Jesus said to Simon, “You didn’t give me water to wash my feet, but she washed my feet with her tears. You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but she hasn’t stopped kissing my feet since she got here. You didn’t put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet…

16 …She has shown me so much love because I’ve forgiven her from so much sin.” Turn the “Surprised Man” face toward the audience. There were other guests at the dinner too. When they heard what Jesus said, they were shocked! To “Surprised Man.” Try to act really shocked. “Surprised Man” reacts.

17 They said, “Who is this man who even forgives sins
They said, “Who is this man who even forgives sins?” Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” Thank helpers and dismiss them to the audience. Tech: Cue Title Slide

18 In our story for today, Jesus told a story about two people who owed some money. One person owed a little bit of money—50 coins. The other person owed a whole lot of money—500 coins. Why do you think Jesus told that story to Simon the Pharisee? Take answers. Great answers!

19 Jesus was saying that Simon was like the person who owed 50 coins because he had a little bit of sin. But the woman was like the person who owed 500 coins because she had a whole lot of BIG sins. God forgave both of them, but the sinful woman was more thankful and showed more love because she had more sins forgiven.

20 Have you ever felt like you had 500 coins worth of sin
Have you ever felt like you had 500 coins worth of sin? In other words, have you ever felt like you had messed up so big or so many times that you couldn’t possibly ask God to forgive you? If you’ve ever felt that way, let me show you something that will help.

21 Show kids the glass or clear container with water in it
Show kids the glass or clear container with water in it. This is a glass of water, but we’re going to imagine that it’s God’s forgiveness. Hold up Alka-Seltzer® tablet. This is an Alka-Seltzer® tablet. It’s used to help you if you have an upset stomach, but we’re going to imagine that it’s a little bit of sin.

22 All sins are a big deal to God, but what’s a sin that you think is pretty small? Take answers. Let’s pretend that this Alka-Seltzer® is one of those small sins. Look what happens when I drop it into God’s forgiveness. Drop the Alka-Seltzer® into the water. It’s bubbling, it’s dissolving, and it’s totally disappearing!

23 That’s what happens to our sins when we toss them into God’s forgiveness—they disappear. God wipes them out! Point to glass or container of water. There’s only one problem with this glass of water, though—it’s WAY too small to give us a picture of God’s forgiveness.

24 Do you know how big God’s forgiveness is. Kids respond
Do you know how big God’s forgiveness is? Kids respond. Let’s take a look at our Bible verse to find out. Read verse once, then all together. Tech: Cue Micah 7:19 Slide “You will completely wipe out the evil things we’ve done. You will throw all our sins into the bottom of the sea.”

25 God’s forgiveness is as big as the sea
God’s forgiveness is as big as the sea. When we bring our sins to Him, it’s like we’re tossing the evil things we do into the ocean of God’s forgiveness. Do you know how big the ocean is? It’s REALLY big! 70% of our planet is covered in oceans. That’s most of the earth! Tech: Everest in the Ocean.

26 The deepest part of the ocean is called the Mariana Trench
The deepest part of the ocean is called the Mariana Trench. It is 36,000 ft. deep. That’s so deep that if you threw Mt. Everest into the ocean, it would cover the entire thing. In fact, you would have swim down 7,000 ft. to reach the tip of Mt. Everest! Tech: Cue Title Slide

27 That’s how big God’s forgiveness is
That’s how big God’s forgiveness is! It’s as big and as deep as the ocean. Hold up another Alka-Seltzer®. Not only can it wipe out a little sin the size of an Alka-Seltzer®, it can wipe out sins as big as a Mt. Everest! No matter how many or how few, no matter how big or how small, God’s forgiveness can completely wipe out any sin.

28 I think most of us probably knew that God’s forgiveness could wipe out any sin, but sometimes we don’t act like it. Sometimes we’re too ashamed to ask God for forgiveness. We think, “Ugh—I just messed up for the one billionth time! I can’t possibly ask God to forgive me.”

29 Or we think, “Oh. My. Goodness. I just did the Mt. Everest of sins
Or we think, “Oh. My. Goodness. I just did the Mt. Everest of sins! God is going to be sooo mad!” So instead of asking for forgiveness, we avoid Him. We pretend like it never happened and hope that God will just forget about it. But that’s not what we should do.

30 We should be like the woman in today’s story
We should be like the woman in today’s story. Even though she had done the Mt. Everest of mess ups, she ran to Jesus. She fell down at His feet and cried out to Him. She threw her gigantic sin into Jesus’ ocean of forgiveness, and He completely wiped it out. All gone—no more!

31 So no matter how many times you’ve sinned, no matter how big you’ve messed up, don’t ever be afraid to ask Jesus for forgiveness. In fact, let’s do that right now. Close in prayer.  

32 After prayer, invite kids to come take a GO
After prayer, invite kids to come take a GO! Home Guide sheet and head to their small group tables. After a few minutes, dismiss small groups downstairs.

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