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Study on pain management of pain caused by penis insertion (sexual pain) KELI Research Institute for Sexual Science, China Jianzhong Zha.

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Presentation on theme: "Study on pain management of pain caused by penis insertion (sexual pain) KELI Research Institute for Sexual Science, China Jianzhong Zha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study on pain management of pain caused by penis insertion (sexual pain)
KELI Research Institute for Sexual Science, China Jianzhong Zha

2 Backgrand There are few controlled studies on sexual difficulties “(B.R.Komisaruk, C.Beyer-Flores, B.Whipple, 2006) The history point showed “FSD is a manufactured disease” written by correspondent in Washington Ray Moynihan from Australia Financial Review were published in the British Medical Journal on January 4, 2003

3 However, British Medical Journal received more than 70 letters with different views after a week.
The main idea in letters said that “Many doctors believe that all sexual problems are all caused by psychological factors, but some of the problems are caused by physiological factors indeed”. .

4 one case on sex consultation from internet
Xiaonvyijia was 25 years old, and married for 2 years. Vaginal dryness exists during each sexual life. Every sexual intercourse is finished carelessly without sexual orgasm. Have been taken body checks in different hospitals but the results seem everything is normal.

5 1.Basic theory 1)Definition
1)Definition Female sexual pain is a common, multiple symptoms without age difference that accompanies with sexual life .   

6 2).Idea from sexual medicine
Generally speaking, if you go to see gynecological doctor to check the pain, in many time, they would not find the reasons. Sexual medicine’s attention: sexual pain is a psychosomatic disease and obvious organic change s have being found.

7 3).Symptoms of this pain The research showed that the causes led to sexual pain are adverse arouse(lack of lubrication) or injury penis insertion . The local finds of pain showed the damage or subtle ripping injury on epithelial mucosa of vaginal orifice, including the related secondary symptoms.

8 4).Mechanism Human pain is transmitted by free nerve endings. Female perinea area is an extremely sensitive site where is a sorting area of four important sensory nerves.

9 Perinea nerve High sensitive Enlarge pain

10 5)、Thinking from socielogy
Pain will make people “uncomfortable” that influence the partner’ ‘pleasure‘ and marital conflict .

11 6).Ethics thinking "Pleasure sex" cannot be based on pain. However, medical and sexual science fields could not disregard and no action for this pain.

12 2.Control and treatment principal
(1) Control standard Traditional medicine is mainly focus on the illness --- the standard of disease is established on the whether affected the "survival" of people (including the degree of influence). Modern sexual medicine is focus on the people’s "quality of life" .

13 (2).Stop the sexual life temporarily
In the beginning of treatment, no sex firstly, in order to prepare to the treatment.

14 (3)Evidence-based medicine
The core idea of evidence-based sexual medicine is to combine the clinical evidence, the doctor's experience and actual situation of patients with subjective views of patients during clinical decision-making.

15 Infection and (4).Evidence analysis Pain by the insertion
Bad insertion Infection and adherence

16 b.Desensitization of hypersensitivity reaction of nerve
3. Control and treatment (1).The aim of cure a.The repair of high elastic mucosa under the status of high sensitivity b.Desensitization of hypersensitivity reaction of nerve c.Disinhibition of endocrine system.

17 d).Replacement of pain After the acceptance of pain stimulus in humans, anterior cingulate cortex can excite” (A.K.P Jones et al.1991) The role of anterior cingulate is producing of 'emotional response' that is the basis of pain or pleasure" (B.R.Komisaruk, C.Beyer-Flores, B.Whipple, 2006)

18 (2).Treatment method A. Production :Jiena cream

19 b)Machnism: remove the infected material and reduce the pain
a)Main component: extract material from benzoin tree and wubeizi b)Machnism: remove the infected material and reduce the pain 主要成分:安息香z因子、五倍子w因子;

20 B. Procedure (A). First period(10 days): Elimination of symptom
Apply "Jiena cream" onto multiple sites of skin into the vagina and vaginal orifice (about 0.5g / time) from inside to outside that in the following orders: into the vagina and vaginal orifice. Touch without pain can achieve after a course (ten days).

21 (B). Second period(10 days): masturbation and desensitization
After the first course of treatment, the patient can perform masturbation assisted by fingers, or perform the training of tension with a suitable adult apparatus to vaginal orifice that can make them restore the flexibility and compliance gradually.

22 (C).Third period: Consolidating and improving
The secretion will become sufficient gradually through regular sexual life that achieves the sexual harmony.

23 C. Research show Jiena cream is directly applied to the vulva skin and the inside and outside of vagina for 20 days a course through 918 cases who had sexual intercourse discomfort or pain.

24 with an overall effective rate of 97.85% and 95.75%, respectively.
Results: Effective rate over one the treatment course is 84.95% and 78.54% respectively; with an overall effective rate of 97.85% and 95.75%, respectively.

25 4.Conclusion Life quality is the more important aim of modern medicine. Female sexual pain is the ignored disease. Jiena cream is one of the best method to treat the female sexual pain.

26 谢谢大家!Thank you

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