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Cloud Computing Constituent Group

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing Constituent Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing Constituent Group
Steve Terry, Capital University • Bill Wrobleski, University of Hawai‘i

2 Meeting Agenda Thursday, Nov. 2 | 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM | Grand Ballroom I/J, 5th Floor (Marriott) Introductions and Welcome – Bill Wrobleski, Steve Terry CCCG Resources – Steve Release Management in the Cloud - Damian Doyle, (Sean O’Brien) Open Forum - Bill

3 Introductions Bill Wrobleski, Director, Technology Infrastructure - University of Hawai'i System, Member of the ECAR Cloud Working Group, CCCG – Co-Chair Steve Terry, Director of Information Technology – Capital University, Member of the ECAR Cloud Working Group, CCCG – Co-Chair

4 CCCG Resources

5 CCCG Resources Educause Cloud CG Page: Cloud CG #Slack Group: Cloud ECAR Working Groups: Internet 2 – Cloud Services:

6 Release Management

7 Release Management in the Cloud
From the Internet Technology Exchange Conference: Campus Findings, Feedback and Next Steps

8 Open Forum

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