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In The Night Nocturnal Animals Nursery Autumn 2 Week 3

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1 In The Night Nocturnal Animals Nursery Autumn 2 Week 3
The children will carry on using their imagination in the role play. They will be listening to each others ideas and re creating roles. This weeks role play continues to be a camping experience. In the creative area we will be making Christmas Tree Decorations for our Early Years Christmas Tree which will be part of the Christmas Tree Festival in Church. In music this week we will be learning our songs for our Christmas Nativity Play. Expressive Arts and Design The children will use their fine motor skills to rip brown paper into pieces to decorate their owl shape & mold the clay to make a hedgehog shape and using short sticks push them into the clay to make the spike.s Dough Gym is where we do exercises to music to strengthen our fingers, hands and upper body. In P E we will carry on with the new scheme that has been specially written for Nursery children. Physical Development The children will carry on learning their numbers through the characters of Ten Town. This week we will learn all about Sir Seven. Mathematics In The Night Nocturnal Animals Nursery Autumn 2 Week 3 Circle Time The children will play games that will help them to learn each others names and recognise their own names when written down. We will be looking at the first letter of our names. Communication & Language Literacy The children will be learning about what the word nocturnal means and which animals are nocturnal. We start a new SEAL topic – Getting on and falling out. This week we will look at feeling angry and happy and talking about a time when we have felt angry. Personal, Social, Emotional Development This week we will be learning how to blend sounds together to make words which will help us when we come to learn how to read and segmenting words so breaking words down in order to learn how to write words. Phonics

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