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Literature Analysis Book Options.

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1 Literature Analysis Book Options

2 General Guidelines: Second Quarter
You will sign up for one book to read independently and to analyze in groups of peers reading the same book. You will write an essay analyzing the diction, syntax, tropes, and/or tone of your chosen novel, which will be due Thurs. Dec. 7th or Fri. Dec. 8th. Your first group meeting will be Weds. Nov. 29th and Thurs. Nov. 30th. You will be expected to have read half of your novel by this deadline and have jobs completed. Your final group meeting will be Tues. Dec. 5th and Weds. Dec. 6th. You will be expected to be finished with your novel by this deadline and have jobs completed. The numbers of books are limited, and you may not get your first choice. Note: if you choose The Catcher in the Rye, you MUST obtain it on your own as we do not have copies here at HRHS. You are encouraged to meet with groups/me during BULL Time if you would like additional discussion/guidance regarding your novel. You will NOT be allowed to analyze symbolism or symbolic diction. Be careful not to find analysis ideas online. Every drop of analysis must come from your own mind. If you forget and do use ideas you found online, you must cite them, and you will fail. If you use ideas you found online and neglect to cite them, you will fail AND be written up for plagiarism.

3 The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne-2nd Quarter
Written in 1850 Set in a 17th century Puritan settlement About the experiences of a woman accused of committing adultery, her child, and her “partner in crime.” Great character development Long sentences Super famous, great to know for college Very pro-femme 235 pages

4 Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller-2nd Quarter
Written in 1949 It’s a play! About a delusional, under-achieving salesman and his family in the 1950s. It has a stream-of consciousness feel It’s depressing It’s brilliant—I read it in one sitting! 139 pages

5 The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger-2nd Quarter
Coming-of-age-novel about a privileged teenage boy’s descent into an emotional breakdown over the course of three days. Written in 1951, set in the 1940s or 1950s. Considered by many to be the quintessential novel about teenage angst. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is easily clever and easily relatable, especially to teenagers. Some readers find him intolerable and whiny. Short, misleadingly easy read, but the meaning is deep and it may be tough to “get it.” Many readers love, some absolutely hate. 288 pages

6 Sign-Up Instructions Please number your name and book choices.
Unless you are willing to purchase your own copy of your first choice, and can do so in the next few days, you must indicate a second choice! Books are limited and it is very possible you will not get your first choice. If you are willing to purchase your own copy of the book, draw an asterisk after your first choice and don’t include a second choice. If you choose The Catcher in the Rye, you MUST obtain your own copy of the text. You will not need to indicate a second choice. *Note: if you do not indicate a second choice, you are agreeing to obtain the book yourself, and any problem you have in obtaining it will not be considered a viable excuse for not being prepared for classes/submitting work on time.

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