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A novel paradigm for short gamma-ray bursts with extended X-Rays

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Presentation on theme: "A novel paradigm for short gamma-ray bursts with extended X-Rays"— Presentation transcript:

1 A novel paradigm for short gamma-ray bursts with extended X-Rays
Status on numerical simulations supporting or ruling out A novel paradigm for short gamma-ray bursts with extended X-Rays Sven Köppel 1. Project Meeting ExaHype Research Council Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) TUM, Garching bei München March 04, 2015 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 reserch and innovation programme under grant agreement No

2 Short Gamma Ray Bursts

3 Short Gamma Ray Bursts Common models:

4 Short Gamma Ray Bursts Common models: 1. BH+Torus: Jet formation
Cannot sustain ~ 10⁴ sec afterglow Image credit:

5 Short Gamma Ray Bursts Common models: 1. BH+Torus: Jet formation
2. Magnetar: Long lasting X-ray afterglow Cannot sustain ~ 10⁴ sec afterglow X-Rays precede burst, no X-rays afterwards. Image credit:

6 A two-wind model for the SGRB
[Rezzolla, Kumar arXiv: ]

7 A two-wind model for the SGRB
[Rezzolla, Kumar arXiv: ]

8 A two-wind model for the SGRB
[Rezzolla, Kumar arXiv: ]

9 Numerical approach

10 Numerical approach Evolution: WhiskyTHC (no magnetic field)
Uniformly rotating ID: LORENE

11 Numerical approach: About the initial data generation
LORENE: Langage Objet pour la RElativité NumériquE Consists of: • Library (C++ classes) • Codes (eg. rotstar, magstar, bin_bh, bin_ns_bh, …) LORENEs numerics: • Mostly 3D spherical grids • Spectral bases Import from LORENE into CACTUS: • Interpolation of fields on cartesian grid („Export“) Implementation was ready for: ✔ WhiskyMHD ✘ WhiskyTHC

12 Numerical approach Evolution: WhiskyTHC (no magnetic field)
Uniformly rotating ID: LORENE Adding matter to the enthalpy field in LORENE + disk enthalpy [c²]

13 Thank you for your attention
Sven Köppel 1. Project Meeting ExaHype Research Council Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) TUM, Garching bei München March 04, 2015 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 reserch and innovation programme under grant agreement No

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