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energy, healing technique, and path to wholeness

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1 energy, healing technique, and path to wholeness
Reiki energy, healing technique, and path to wholeness

2 Reiki is translated from Japanese as “universal Life Force energy”
and it’s a simple, natural healing technique that uses this energy

3 to learn Reiki, a practitioner attunes you to the energy
It’s somewhat like tuning in to a radio frequency (if you are the radio), and once attuned, you remain so for life

4 Reiki: Raises your personal vibrations
Amplifies your self-healing potential Allows you to help others heal through its energy Works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels Is foolproof because it does not require faith, understanding, or human direction to work

5 Reiki raises your personal vibration permanently, when you learn it.
That means that your base energy level is raised, so that rest, joy, peace, can feel easier to achieve, or your experiences of them are intensified.

6 Reiki is known as a healing technique because it empowers naturally occurring self-healing processes
It moves blocked, pooling, or stuck energy through the system, affecting every level: physical mental emotional spiritual

7 reiki’s continued use also enhances your natural intuition.
Reiki is a subtle energy that teaches you to perceive other subtle energies. reiki’s continued use also enhances your natural intuition.

8 In 2007, Reiki was offered in over 800 hospitals in the US

9 Reiki can be used to clear the spaces where conflicts occur

10 Reiki can boost the effect of nutrients in food
and decrease the side-effects of medication

11 Reiki is a helpful tool for the parents of young children for physical healing, and for parents of teens, for emotional support.

12 It’s a powerful calming technique for our uncertain political climate

13 Thinking of what reiki could do for you? Want to learn Reiki?
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