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The Value of Advocacy: How to Become an Advocate for your Profession

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Presentation on theme: "The Value of Advocacy: How to Become an Advocate for your Profession"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Value of Advocacy: How to Become an Advocate for your Profession
Presented By: Health Systems Advocacy Committee

2 CLMA Advocacy Statement
CLMA will advocate and influence public policy, opinion and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, social systems and institutions worldwide. CLMA will promote and enhance a professional and positive view of the clinical laboratory industry, the professionals working in that industry and those entities allied with it.

3 CLMA Health Systems Advocacy
The Health Systems Advocacy Committee (HSAC) will: focus on promotion of the value of the laboratory in provision of quality patient care to the health system C-suite and other health care professionals;

4 HSAC will…. monitor key issues in healthcare and the laboratory profession and proactively address or provide timely responses to issues highlighting the role of the laboratory in delivery of cost-effective and quality patient care;

5 HSAC will……. determine actions that laboratory professionals can take that will build value and develop programs to ensure such actions are taken.

6 The Value of Advocacy What is Advocacy?
Why should you get involved in the process? Where can you use your Advocacy skills? How can you become an true advocate for the Clinical Laboratory ?

7 The Value of Advocacy What is Advocacy?
The act of pleading for, supporting or recommending Advocacy represents the strategies devised, actions taken and solutions proposed to influence decision-making to create positive change for people and their environment.

8 Where can you use your Advocacy skills?
C-Suite Medical staff Institutional committees Peers

9 “If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them.” - Senator Paul Wellstone (MN)

10 Getting Involved in the Process
Why should you get involved? Important as members of profession to engage in institutional policy process at all levels If we are unwilling to engage in the process, we are putting our profession and industry at risk for decisions made by the misinformed Grassroots: truly successful advocacy campaigns MUST have grassroots component: you must have a network of real people passionate enough about the issue to communicate with the people who represent them

11 Get Involved SPEAK OUT & EDUCATE!!!
Don’t let your Clinical Lab be a victim The Clinical Lab is a target because our work is not as visible or as well understood as that of our peers.

12 Why should you get involved?
Be PROACTIVE…….not REACTIVE Develop and cultivate relationships with decision makers – before there are issues Play OFFENSE.....not DEFENSE When advocacy is used as a defensive method, it may be too late to change opinions Be the VOICE of TRUST You are the expert – who knows the clinical lab better than YOU? Grassroots: truly successful advocacy campaigns MUST have grassroots component: you must have a network of real people passionate enough about the issue to communicate with the people who represent them

13 Professional Advocacy: Starting in Your Own Backyard

14 Benefits to Your Organization
NETWORK – to break down barriers for effective teamwork Increased interest in the laboratory and its professionals No longer the best kept secret in healthcare Improves morale

15 Hospital Committees Infection Control Quality Management/ Assurance
Risk Management/ Patient Safety Test / Blood Product Utilization Safety Committee Training and Education

16 Public Affairs/ Relations
Patient Advocate Support Programs Family Resource Center Include laboratory tours! Community Service Speakers Bureau Career Day Presentations

17 Starts With a Spark … At the Institutional Level
Choose an area of interest for your facility Perform a well-designed, well-documented project Ex. Investigate the feasibility of bringing a send-out test in house Dazzle them with data … and educate them at the same time Model good communication behaviors Be a star at implementation and evaluation

18 Helpful Hints BEFORE Any Meeting
Know WHAT you want Know WHO to ask/tell Know HOW to ask/tell Know WHEN to follow-up

19 Learn what Resonates Know your lab’s analytics
Profit-loss margin ROI per test Deliver clear, succinct, fact-driven ideas for solutions to problems Focus on how it can save healthcare dollars

20 Helpful Hints DURING Any Meeting
Act Professionally Goal is to establish yourself as a trusted resource and sounding board – be persuasive and assertive – not aggressive Be prepared – bring the data and facts appropriate for your audience Be political – demonstrate connection between your information and the goals of your audience

21 Bring Value Know your facility’s business strategy and goals
Be fluent in “Business-speak” Monitor and present Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from lab data

22 C-suite Communication Tips
Be clear and concise. Back up ideas with facts & data. Support common goals. Know the financial impact of your idea.

23 Maintaining the Relationship
Be PROACTIVE Share your “insider” opinions & information on healthcare issues as they arise Include facts when highlighting issues

24 Lab Tours: Formal or Informal
We are a visual society. Having others tour the lab allows them to see what you and your staff do every day – make it compelling and educational No need to wait for Lab Week – offer to meet in your space if appropriate and take the opportunity to show your lab in action If you feed them, they will come! (in a clean space, of course!)

25 HSAC Advocacy Checklist
How well do you advocate now? Where are the opportunities? Check out the HSAC Advocacy Self-Assessment Checklist at

26 Congratulate yourself!
You are now an advocate for your profession. Go Forth and Keep Advocating!

27 Now it’s up to YOU… Go Forth and Advocate!

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