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Year 8 Summer Exams.

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1 Year 8 Summer Exams

2 Advice Know your target grade
Revise all the work we have covered since September. Read questions very carefully. Use the number of marks per question as guidance. A FOUR mark question will mean TWO fully developed points using connectives Make sure you complete the paper and check your answers for SPaG errors.

3 B.U.G. Exams Box / bubble command words
Underline key points in the Question B.U.G. Glance back at the Question

4 You cannot achieve full marks if you do not draw a labelled diagram.
Describe the formation of a headland and bay. (5) You must use a labelled diagram(s) in your answer. You can assume 3 marks for written explanation and 2 marks for the labelled diagram Stages in the formation of headlands and bays A diagram is essential You cannot achieve full marks if you do not draw a labelled diagram.

5 Topics to revise Coasts How humans use the coastline
Types of erosion –abrasion, hydraulic action, solution and attrition Features of erosion- caves, arch, stack and stumps. Bays and headlands Longshore drift Features of deposition- spits Coastal defences – groynes, sea wall, revetments, gabion baskets, rip rap and beach replenishment

6 Topics to revise Settlement
Settlement hierarchy – hamlet, village, town, city, mega city Factors influencing the site of a village – water, shelter, defence etc Settlement services Land use patterns in towns and cities Shopping Settlement functions – seaside resorts, market town, industrial town, port Village shapes –dispersed, nucleated, linear Problems of living in towns and cities How villages change over time.

7 You will be tested on both coasts and settlement.
You have a lot to revise……. Don’t leave it till the last evening. Plan your revision over a period of time. You will be tested on both coasts and settlement.

8 Use the following web sites to help you to revise
Doddle BBC Bite size Key stage 3 Coastal landscapes - Urban environments- Rural environments- Shopping patterns- There are both revision pages and multiple choices tests to help you with your revision. Revision classes after school.

9 Finally be sure to …… ……. answer all the questions. You will have ONE hour .

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