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Teachers Teach Best Who They Are…..

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers Teach Best Who They Are….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers Teach Best Who They Are…..
Welcome! Teachers Teach Best Who They Are…..

2 And all of our presenters
Thank You! To: Bridgette Barr And all of our presenters

3 Remember the Four E’s? Elevation Enthusiasm Energy Empathy

4 Personal Dispositions
The Science, Art or Both? Content Knowledge Pedagogy Enthusiasm Energy Elevation Empathy Personal Dispositions

5 Wellness is

6 Wellness is Extremely Personal A life-long process

7 Moving Towards A Healthier Lifestyle

8 Moving Towards A Healthier Lifestyle
Fitness Nutrition Positive Outlook Stress Manage- ment Spirituality Environmental Sensitivity BALANCE

9 Wellness is 1. a search or quest for paths to and experiences of being all you can be in ways that are important to you. 2. a lifestyle approach to personal excellence. 3. a philosophy embracing selective extremes designed to attain a dynamic balance between high levels of physical, psychological and spiritual potentials.

10 Wellness is a state of being and becoming, is no more, no less, than the nearly palpable sense of enthusiasm one experiences when potential is realized... 5. a general sense of emotional and physical well-being maintained through an attitude of healthy selfishness, a willingness to be your own parent, and an ability to change past less functional life rules.

11 Wellness is 6. the ability to identify your specific emotional and physical needs, prioritize them, and devise methods to meet them while maintaining a balance between your professional self and your personal self. 7. a celebration of your humanness and the qualities, both positive and negative, that make you unique. 8. a conscious and deliberate approach to an advanced state of physical, psychological, and spiritual health.

12 9. a state of mind… health and happiness!!! 11. positive living
Wellness is 9. a state of mind… health and happiness!!! 11. positive living

13 Coordinated School Health & Wellness
Health Education Family & Community Involvement Staff Wellness Coordinated School Health & Wellness School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services Healthy School Environment Health Services Food Services Physical Education

14 "Any time a thought, a sentence, or paragraph inspires you or opens up your thinking, you need to capture it, like a butterfly in a net, and later release it into your own field of consciousness." ~Steve Chandler

15 This Clip is About Lyons…and also about YOU!
Which qualities have YOU written all over it? Which qualities do YOU instill in your students?

16 Attitude Determines Altitude!
Dream Purpose Passion Courage Goals Simplify Laughter Expect the Best Love Kindness Renewal

17 Health is Academic Schools can do more than perhaps any other single institution to improve the well-being and competence of children and youth. Viewing coordinated school health programs as essential as . . .

18 Health is Academic . . .math, history, social studies, or language arts will help maximize academic achievement as well as positive health outcomes among our students. As a society, we cannot afford to have the promise remain unfulfilled.

19 Our Foremost Task “Our foremost task is to ensure the survival of these qualities: An enterprising curiosity An undefeatable spirit Tenacity in pursuit of goodness Readiness for sensible self-denial And above all, compassion. Kurt Hahn, founder of Outward Bound

20 “We know it can only be done by providing safe and encouraging havens where children have the freedom to define themselves and gain control of their lives

21 “ to build relationships that transcend labels and model respect for all cultures, and to make themselves accountable for a commitment to a future goal.”

22 The Optimist Creed To be so strong that nothing can
disturb your peace of mind, To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet…

23 The Optimist Creed To make all your friends feel that
there is something in them To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best

24 The Optimist Creed To be just as enthusiastic about the success
of others as you are about your own, To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future, To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile…

25 The Optimist Creed To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others, To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

26 Teachers Teach Best Who They Are…
Please remember…. Teachers Teach Best Who They Are…

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