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Candles at Christmas Michael de Podesta

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Presentation on theme: "Candles at Christmas Michael de Podesta"— Presentation transcript:

1 Candles at Christmas Michael de Podesta
NPL Christmas Lecture 2017

2 YeCandles at Christmas Michael de Podesta
NPLChristmas Lectures 2017

3 Gas Air Radiation Liquid Solid

4 Ye Chemical Reaction C25H52 + 38O2 25 CO2 + 26H2O Wax Oxygen
Carbon dioxide Water

5 Wax is made of carbon and hydrogen
Reacts with Oxygen to make Water

6 It then makes Carbon Dioxide
…leaving nanoparticles of soot!

7 It then makes Carbon Dioxide
…leaving nanoparticles of soot… …which heat up and glow…

8 Ye Video

9 Gas Radiation Liquid Solid Air (N2 and O2) Water (H2O)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Soot (C) Gas Radiation Liquid Solid

10 More Complexe Picture

11 YeWax is not flammable!

12 Ye Flame Structure

13 Wick Evaporation Pyrolisis

14 Smaller molecules are more reactive
Pyrolysis breaks apart Wax molecules Smaller molecules are more reactive

15 Incomplete Combustion
Wick Evaporation Pyrolysis Incomplete Combustion

16 Smaller molecules burn easily

17 Smaller molecules burn easily
Partial Combustion leaves nanoparticles

18 Incomplete Combustion
Wick Evaporation Pyrolysis Incomplete Combustion Complete Combustion Air

19 Incomplete combustion
Final combustion Nano-particles Incomplete combustion Light Emission Pyrolysis Evaporation Gas Radiation Liquid Solid

20 Incomplete combustion
Nano-particles Incomplete combustion Light Emission Final combustion Pyrolysis Evaporation Wick

21 YeQuestions Temperature? Stored Energy? Available Power?
How much light?

22 Thermocouple Gas ??? °C Liquid Solid


24 YeQuestions Temperature? More than 1000 °C Stored Energy?
Available Power? How much light?

25 grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams

26 Calorific Value 43,100 joules per gram Stored energy 1.8 Megajoules (0.5 kW hours!) Power 76 watts

27 YeQuestions Temperature? More than 1000 °C
Stored Energy? 1.8 mega joules Available Power? How much light?

28 Boom There is a lot of energy in a candle…
AA AA boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom AA AA Dynamite AA AA AA AA AA AA Energy Density TNT: 4.6 kJ/g Candle Wax 42 kJ/g Alkaline Battery 0.5 kJ/g Candle Candle Mass = 42 g Energy = 42 x 42 = 1764 kJ Candle = 1764 / 12 kJ = 147 batteries Battery 1 battery = 24 g Per battery = 0.5 x 24 = 12 kJ

29 YeQuestions Temperature? More than 1000 °C
Stored Energy? 1.8 mega joules Available Power? 76 watts? How much light?

30 ??? °C

31 Heating rate is 0.132 °C per second
102.5 grams of water Power ~60 watts Heating rate is °C per second

32 YeQuestions Temperature? More than 1000 °C
Stored Energy? 1.8 mega joules Available Power? 76 watts- Yes! How much light?

33 Ye Integrating Sphere Ye Fibre-Optic Cable Ye Jolly Computer
Wavelength Power Ye Jolly Computer Ye Spectrometer

34 YeQuestions Temperature? More than 1000 °C
Stored Energy? 1.8 mega joules Available Power? 76 watts- Yes! How much light? 0.2 watts

35 Questions& Answers Could we do better?

36 Thermal Energy ‘Work’ 100% Conversion is NOT possible

37 Stirling Engine

38 Thermoelectric Generator

39 Thermoelectric Generator
Ye U.S.B.

40 Summary Candles are Amazing!

41 Thank You Alexandre Cuenat Stephanie Bell Paul Miller Claire Greenwell
Gavin Sutton Teresa Goodman Stuart Davidson Nigel Fox Michael Faraday

42 Water!

43 Camera Shots required Close up shot of Candle flame
Close up of the burner melting wax Close up of the thermocouple in the candle flame and also showing the reading on the thermocouple reader. Close up of the weighing machine showing when the candle is lit. Should be able to see the scale on the weighing machine and the candle flame Close up of the Conical Flask being heated. Close up of Sterling engine #1 Close up of Sterling engine #2 Close up of TEG powered car. Close up of TEG powered USB charger and light.

44 Candles at Christmas Michael de Podesta

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