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Thank you for inviting me!

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for inviting me!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for inviting me!

2 Tapping the Creative Spirit to Spur Innovation
Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania March 27, 2009 Kathryn Deiss, ACRL Content Strategist

3 Who is creative? Photo by kelsmith1992

4 Creative Inventions Lightning Rounds - 60 secs
Create an invention using your card and someone else’s 2. Write it down on back of card 3. Find another person and repeat 4. Find another person and repeat

5 Definitions  Creativity: …a process of developing and expressing novel ideas that are likely to be useful  Innovation: …the embodiment, combination, and/or synthesis of knowledge in novel, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services Source: Leonard, Dorothy and Walter Swap. When Sparks Fly. (1999)

6 Where are you? Creativity Divergent Thinking Convergent Thinking
Problem/ Opportunity Decision Point

7 The Creative Process Photo by tariq’s fantasy world

8 Problem/opportunity identification
Generating ideas * Analyzing options Choosing among good ideas Implementing prototypes * Getting feedback * Revising and reintroducing

9 Creative Spaces Tools & Practices Attitudes & Frames of Mind
Photo by emmajb8

10 Tools and Practices Photo by James.Robertson

11 What practices can we put in place to develop the creative habit?
Photo by Sypix

12 Tools of Creativity Precise observation Penetrating questions
Absence of judgment Faith in your resources Goleman, Kaufman & Ray. The Creative Spirit. New York: 1992

13 Stages of Creativity Preparation Time off The spark! Selection
Elaboration Source: Sawyer, Keith. Group Genius. (2007)

14 Define the problem or opportunity
Photo by DaveC71

15 “The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas
“The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas.” Linus Pauling Photo by tuohimaa

16 Brainstorming Rules! (and it has rules!) Rapid idea generation No VOJ
Quantity over quality The wilder the better Build on the ideas of others Photo by abbey*christine

17 Other ways of generating ideas
silent brainstorming visual brainstorming brainwriting bodystorming

18 Mindmapping Courtesy:

19 Metafore! Photo by renenou

20 Think of something in your workplace that you would like to change or understand better
Being in this situation is like…

21 Change your perspective
Photo by amorphity

22 Alex Osborne’s Creativity Checklist
put to other uses? adapt? modify? rearrange? substitute? reverse? combine? Photo by katherinejustine

23 Effective group creativity also requires diverse points of view
Photo by amarette.

24 To incubate just apply… TIME!
Photo by Living the American Dream

25 Effective spaces for creative individuals and groups
Photo by The Shifted Librarian

26 "Somehow, accidentally, I realized I'd become a leading authority on what's wrong with cubicles. You don't have to be Thomas Edison to realize there's a product possibility there.” Scott Adams

27 This? Photo by cloneofsnake

28 and Scott Adams
or this?

29 This?

30 or this? Photo by teach42

31 Zephyr Innovation Incubator
Photo by The Shifted Librarian

32 Zephyr Innovation Incubator
Photo by The Shifted Librarian

33 Close your eyes! Imagine a place that stimulates you
What are the qualities & characteristics of that place?

34 How can you make small changes in the spaces where you work?
Photo by The Shifted Librarian

35 Attitudes and Frames of Mind
Photo by May in Rain City

36 Creativity is Messy!

37 Sometimes you have to bust something up to achieve a breakthrough!
Photo by moqub

38 Use the unexpected to your advantage
Photo by yepperdoodle

39 Creativity killers “we can’t” “it won’t work” “we tried that before”
“we don’t have the money” “they won’t let us” “what if it is too successful?”

40 “An idea is salvation by imagination.”
Frank Lloyd Wright Photo by harshad sharman

41 Thanks everyone! Let your ideas fly!
And keep in touch! Photo by bobaferret131

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