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Tradeoff between production and survival under stress: Role of glucose sparing by the mammary gland NISSIM SILANIKOVE Biology of Lactation Laboratory,

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Presentation on theme: "Tradeoff between production and survival under stress: Role of glucose sparing by the mammary gland NISSIM SILANIKOVE Biology of Lactation Laboratory,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tradeoff between production and survival under stress: Role of glucose sparing by the mammary gland
NISSIM SILANIKOVE Biology of Lactation Laboratory, Institute of Animal Science, A.R.O., the Volcani Center, P.O. Box. 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel

2 In modern high-producing dairy cows most (70-80%) of glucose synthesized (around 3 kg per day) by gluconeogenesis in the liver from VFA is diverted to the mammary gland

3 First: The effect of heat stress is considered

4 Pair-feeding experiments show that the reduction in milk yield exceed the reduction in feed intake

5 Heat stress is associated with increase in insulin sensitivity

6 Heat stress is associated by diminished uptake of glucose by the mammary gland (by up to 1 kg out of 3 kg) and almost complete stop of NEFA release fro fat (hence their supply to the mammary gland)

7 What are the conclusions from the per-feeding experiments under heat stress?

8 “The primary difference between a thermal-neutral and a heat-stressed animal in a similar energetic state is the inability of the hyperthermic beast to employ glucose-sparing mechanisms to homeorhetically prioritize product (milk and meat) synthesis”. In other words, a glucose sparing mechanism is needed to preserve essential body functions and maintaining their homeostasis. “From an animal agriculture standpoint, these survival strategies reduce productivity and seriously jeopardize farm economics. “ “Defining the biology and mechanisms of how HS threatens animal health and performance is critical in developing approaches to ameliorate current production issues and is a prerequisite for generating future mitigating strategies to improve animal well-being, performance, and agriculture economics.”

9 What is the physiological basis for the non-feed intake basis for reduction in milk yield under stress? The role of milk-born negative feed-back mechanism

10 Comparing the effects of prevention of cooling (sprinkling) and shade and prevention of shade on milk yield of high-producing cows in the middle of the summer (THI around 90)

11 Table 1 Effect of treatments on milk yield and on the diurnal (day vs. night) variations in milk secretion Treatments Control (C) SD Cooling (D) Sun (E) Initial milk yield, Ld-1 47.9 3.1 49.3 3.5 48.1 3.6 Night, Lh-1 1.801 0.2 1.611 1.401 Day, Lh-1 1.452 0.3 1.402 0.652 Day/Night yield ratio 0.81a 0.09 0.88a 0.1 0.46b 0.07 Total yield, Ld-1 44.1 2.5 40.3 21.1 Decrease in milk Yield, % 7.9a 1.5 18.2b 55.1c 5.5 Values marked by different superscript numbers are significantly different within columns; values marked with different superscript letters are significantly different within rows. Silanikove et al. BMC Physiology :13   doi: /


13 able 3 Effect of treatments on plasminogen activator-plasminogen-plasmin system in milk and on the diurnal (day vs. night) variations in their activity. Treatments Control (C) SD Cooling (D) Sun (E) Average Plasminogen activator (PA), unit ml-1 11.501a 0.11 15.061b 17.621c 0.21 Plasminoge (PG), unit ml-1 27.511a 0.90 25.601b 0.82 23.911c 0.70 Plasmin (PL),), unit ml-1 5.111a 5.041b 0.09 9.121c 0. 21 Plasminogen/plasmin, ratio 5.381a 0.12 5.081b 0.15 2.621c 0.25 Night 10.802a 0.30 15.202b 15.422c 0.19 30.432a 23.582b 1.30 29.112c 1.50 Plasmin (PL), unit ml-1 5.432a 4.902b 0.10 6.562c 5.602a 4.812b 4.442c Day 11.853a 0.17 15.803b 18.723c 0.29 26.053a 26.613b 0.16 21.312c 4.953a 5.113b 10.402c 0.14 5.263a 5.213b 2.052c Values marked with different superscript numbers are significantly different within columns; values marked with different superscript letters are significantly different within rows. Silanikove et al. BMC Physiology :13   doi: /

14 alveoli 1 2 Reaction Reaction type 2 type 1 Blood PA Lumen PLG PL
Anti-Lactogenic hormones e.g., Cortisol, Estrogen Lactogenic hormones e.g., GH, Prolactin Blood alveoli PA Reaction type 2 Reaction type 1 Lumen 1 2 PLG PL Milk stasis or bacterial invasion Frequent milking or suckling External effects: Milking, suckling, bacterial invasion

15 Secondly: the effect of inflammatory stress is considered
Secondly: the effect of inflammatory stress is considered. During acute inflammation, the demand of the immune system for glucose may increase by up to 1 kg

16 Bidirectional communication between immunologically competent cells and the brain. Upon release of TNF by macrophages, both humoral and neural signaling initiates brain responses that in turn exert feedback inhibition on macrophage activity.

17 Glucose fluxes during inflammation
Glucose fluxes during inflammation. The activated macrophage releases TNF and in so doing allocates glucose preferentially to itself. Glucose enters macrophages and the brain via GLUT-1, whereas it enters muscle cells via GLUT-4. Released TNF enhances GLUT-1 and decreases GLUT-4 transport. TNF, IL-1, and IL-6 released from the macrophage centrally initiate energy-saving sickness behavior.




21 Production responses to TNFα treatment in early-lactation dairy cows during the experimental period. Yuan et al, PLOS ONE, 2013

22 Plasma metabolites and hormones, liver triglycerides, and glucose turnover rate in early-lactation dairy cows in response to TNFα treatment

23 Effect of LPS on milk yield (L/d) in treated (circles), control-LPS (triangles), and control-control (squares) quarters. The results are presented as mean ± SD. Values marked by asterisk are significant at P < 0.001 or lower

24 Effect of LPS on lactose (%) concentration in treated (circles), control-LPS (triangles), and control-control (squares) quarters. Values marked by asterisk are significant at P < 0.001 or lower.

25 Influence of LPS on the gene expression of transport proteins and channel proteins required to supply raw materials for milk. Expression levels of SLC1A4 (A), SLC7A1 (B), SLC27A3 (C), AQP3 (D), and GLUT-1 (E) in mammary glands non-treated (0 h) and at 3, 6, and 12 h after LPS injection were quantified by real-time PCR. Data represent the mean (SD) (n = 6). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.005 vs. 0 h. Kobayashi et al. Veterinary Research 2013

26 Kobayashi et al. Veterinary Research 2013
Influence of LPS on the expression of genes related with milk component synthesis. Expression levels of UGP2 (A), PGM2 (B), α-lactalbumin (C), FABP3 (D), SREBP-1 (E), CSN1S1 (F), CSN2 (G), CSN3 (H), WAP (I), and lactoferrin (J) in mammary glands non-treated (0 h) and at 3, 6, and 12 h after LPS injection were quantified by real-time PCR. Data represent mean (SD) (n = 6). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.005 vs. 0 h. Kobayashi et al. Veterinary Research 2013


28 Influence of LPS on STAT3, STAT5, and NFκB phosphorylation in mammary glands.



31 Concentrations (mean ± SE) of lactate, malate, citrate, nitrite, lactoferrin, and albumin and activity of lactate dehydrogenase in milk of cows approaching natural involution (ANI) or forceful involution (AFI) before the induction of involution (milk cessation) and during the first 3 d after the induction of involution Treatment and time2 Lactate (µM) Malate (µM) Citrate (mM) Citrate:(lactate + malate) Nitrite (µM) Lactate dehydrogenase (U/mL) Lactoferrin (µg/mL) Albumin (µg/mL) ANI  0 d 132 ± 22c 294 ± 44b 12.1 ± 1a 28.4 ± 2.6b 263 ± 41b 242 ± 45c 392 ± 52bc 255 ± 39d  1 d 248 ± 40b 356 ± 41b 11.0 ± 1a 18.2 ± 2.5c 372 ± 31ab 444 ± 58b 610 ± 49b 425 ± 49c  2 d 287 ± 52b 306 ± 46b 10.1 ± 1a 17.0 ± 2.3cb 541 ± 99a 544 ± 99b 990 ± 53a 795 ± 51b  3 d 511 ± 28a 864 ± 79a 8.0 ± 2b 5.8 ± 1.3d 663 ± 65a 1,699 ± 30a 1,215 ± 63a 1,110 ± 62a AFI 115 ± 12c 216 ± 32c 13.1 ± 1a 39.6 ± 3.3a 225 ± 23b 84 ± 6d 179 ± 48d 172 ± 39d 105 ± 8c 297 ± 21b 14.2 ± 1a 35.3 ± 3.3a 245 ± 27b 113 ± 7d 185 ± 38d 174 ± 40d 147 ± 13c 239 ± 15b 14.1 ± 1a 36.5 ± 2.6a 233 ± 22b 267 ± 6c 187 ± 43d 175 ± 41d 122 ± 9c 255 ± 69b 14.0 ± 1a 37.1 ± 2.3a 300 ± 31ab 478 ± 38b 182 ± 49d 174 ± 51d

32 Effect of subclinical mastitis by coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) and Streptococci( Strep.) and previous clinical infection with Escherichia coli( Esch. coli) on milk yield, milk conductivity and somatic cell count (SCC) on the whole cow level ) a,b,cValues marked by different superscript letters are statistically significant. The significance of the main (treatment; P [F])effect is indicated on the right column

33 Effect of subclinical mastitis by coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) and Streptococci( Strep.) and previous clinical infection with Escherichia coli( Esch. coli) on somatic cell count (SCC), gross milk composition (fat, protein and lactose), rennet clotting time (RCT), curd firmness (CF) and the concentrations of lactate, malate and citrate on a gland level

34 Linear correlations among glucose (Glu), lactose, glucose-6-phospate (Glu-6-p), citrate/lactate+malate (CA/LA+MA), Glu-6-p/Glu, log SCC and CF. All the data set on the gland level was applied

35 Effect of intrammary infection with live strain of E
Effect of intrammary infection with live strain of E. coli that cause transient acute mastitis






41 Proposed model of link between metabolic activity of mammary tissue and blood flow rate. Solid arrows represent mass flux and dashed arrows represent effector mechanisms; + and − represent activation and inhibition, respectively. ADO = adenosine, ARA = arachidonic acid, ARG = arginine, INDO = indomethacin, L-NAME = Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride, NO = nitric oxide, PGI2 = prostacyclin, VDC = vasodilatory compounds. Cieslar et al., 2014, JDS 


43 Glut 1 Lactose synthesize milk

44 Blocking the pass of pyruvate to the mitochondria and increase in the activities of f cytosolic LDH and MDH explain the increase secretion of lactate and malate into milk. These changes are associated with dramatic reductions in NADH/NAD and ATP/ADP ratios

45 Pseudohypoxia refers to increased cytosolic ratio of free NADH to NAD in cells. Research has shown that declining levels of NAD+ in cancer cells and during aging cause pseudohypoxia, and that raising nuclear NAD+ in old mice reverses pseudohypoxia and metabolic dysfunction, thus reversing the aging process

46 P P- P- Malate P- Milk

47 Metabolic reprogramming induced by HIF-1.

48 Metabolic reprogramming induced by HIF-1α.
Stress inflammation ROS

49 P-

50 Conclusions . The first response to stress is blocking the penetration of pyruvate into the mitochondria and consequently accumulation of pyruvate in the cytosol and conversion of the oxidative/reductive co-factor from high normal NAD/NADH ratio to high of NADH/NAD ratio in the cytosol and mitochondria . High NADH/NAD ratio induce the conversion of the mammary gland epithelial cells metabolism into pseudohypoxic glycolysis (The Warburg effect). The increased formation of lactate and malate restore the oxidative/reductive co-factor into high NAD/NADH ratio and allow the resolution of the stress . The order of events can be revealed by the kinetics changes in the concentration of Glu, Glu-6-p, pyruvate, lactate, malate, citrate and oxaloacetate in milk and respective enzymes, LDH and Glu-6- p dehydrogenase . The changes in the concentration of these metabolites is closely associated with milk production and quality (curdling)

51 TLR4-dependent inflammatory mediators affect lactation mastitis and milk supply. Perturbed milk flow, maternal stress, genetic predisposition and sleep deprivation can lead to accumulation of danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and heightened TLR4 signaling (or equivalent receptors) in the mammary gland, leading to increased susceptibility to mastitis and increased severity of the disease. Importantly, activation of NFkB could lead to partial mammary gland involution and may be responsible for the reduced milk supply associated with mastitis Warburg effect

52 Heat stress

53 Sirtuin enzymes are a conserved family of nictotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-dependent deacetylases and ADP-ribosyltransferases that regulate lifespan in lower organisms, and mediate responses to fasting and dietary restriction (DR) in mammals

54 The Warburg effect is an essential homeostatic response for animal ability to survive under acute stress. Prevention of its development into chronic situations is important for maintaining health and productivity Resolution of stress followed by restoration of normal mitochondrial activity (restoration of high NAD/NADH ratio - activation of SIRT 1) Warburg effect – glucose sparing for essential functions Inflammatory response Stress Chronic stress , or damage to the alveoli Partial restoration of mitochondrial activity; higher proportion of glycolysis than under normal conditions; chronic impairment of production Acute elevation of pseudohypoxic conditions (high NADH/NAD ratio- high HIF-1)

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