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Presentation on theme: "MIFIDII."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Taking effect from 3 January 2018
Some rules apply to all IFAs Extended rules for firms with discretionary management

3 Key Areas for Advisers Suitability Telephone recording
Fund value change reporting Periodic reporting Charge Disclosure Inducements PRIIPS and KIDs

4 Suitability Suitabilty letter prior to transaction being completed – we will be sending pre-application Annual Suitability Assessment and Report Assess circumstances Assess needs and objectives Assess ATR and capacity for loss Assess any other changes Review existing plans for ongoing suitability Review investments for ongoing suitability – fund research for non-models Bring all above together in suitability report Telephone based annual meeting for Prime clients

5 Telephone Recording We will record all telephone calls – landline and mobile New cloud based telephone system New mobile phones App on mobile phones to enable recording Other electronic – texts, , messages etc must also end up on IO All client instructions will be recorded (by person taking instruction) on new Client Instruction Form

6 Fund Value Change Reporting
Where overall value of the portfolio, as evaluated at the beginning of each reporting period (Quarter), depreciates by 10% and thereafter at multiples of 10% - we must report to the client no later than the end of the business day in which the threshold is exceeded or, in a case where the threshold is exceeded on a non-business day, the close of the next business day – Discretionary portfolios only. System in place to capture data from Amber, Nucleus, and 7im Process in place and tested to report to clients OM Wealth Select – OM report to us not clients, we will report to clients

7 Periodic Reporting For discretionary portfolios
Quarterly valuation reports instead of half yearly First quarter reports end of March. Use of Personal Finance Portal (PFP)

8 Charge Disclosure Firms must also fully disclose, in a manner that is “fair, clear and not misleading”, all costs so that a client can fully understand the nature and costs of the services being provided to them. Costs and charges include the cost of funds, platform, product charge, advice and any third party charges such as DFM fees. At point of advice and annually thereafter Firms must disclose in £ and %. Annual disclosure – first quarter 2019

9 Inducements MiFID II restricts the possibility to receive or retain inducements from third parties. For S&P, only minor non-monetary benefits are permitted so long as they are disclosed and they enhance the quality of service provided to the end client. ESMA defines minor benefits - Reasonable and proportionate and unlikely to influence the recipient’s behaviour S&P – under £50 ok without permission, >£50 need permission All gifts need a form

10 Inducements continued
£1,000 limit per provider per calendar year Clients can ask for information Disclosure in TOB Restrictions: Accommodation Travel Meals without training/seminar Sporting events, entertainers, etc.

11 PRIIPs and KIDs The Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products regulation (PRIIPs) – comes into effect on 1 January 2018. ISA and pension not PRIIPs We are required to provide a KID to all clients when recommending a product that is classified as a PRIIP. Clients will also get a KID for each fund within a PRIIP or non-PRIIP KID exclusion for Discretionary Fund Managers Model fund KIDs signposted in SL and will be on website Fund KIDs may not replace KIIDs until Jan 2020 No KFD or KFI for PRIIP

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