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Lecture 09: Gaussian Processes

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1 Lecture 09: Gaussian Processes
CS489/698: Intro to ML Lecture 09: Gaussian Processes 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

2 Outline Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Process
Gaussian Linear Regression Advanced 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

3 Announcement Assignment 3 due on Oct 31. 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

4 Gaussian distribution
covariance, PSD mean dimension 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

5 Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 – 1855)
10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

6 Important facts marginal joint conditional 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

7 Derivation 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

8 Outline Gaussian Distributions Gaussian Processes
Gaussian Linear Regression Advanced 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

9 What is a random variable?
A random variable is a function Z(ω) ω Z(ω) 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

10 Gaussian process A collection of Gaussian random variables {Zt : t in T} such that for any finite N, {Zt : t in N} is jointly Gaussian A Gaussian process is a function of two variables Z(t,ω) For any finite N, {Zt := Z(t,ω) | t in N} is a Gaussian random vector For any ω, Zω := Z(t, ω) : T  R is a function of one variable t (sample path) Does Gaussian process exist? 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

11 Example 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

12 Mean and covariance function
For each t, Z(t,ω) is a Gaussian random variable hence has mean For each s and t, the covariance between Zs and Zt: Say mean function covariance function 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

13 Recap: verifying a kernel
For any n, for any x1, x2, …, xn, the kernel matrix K with is symmetric and positive semidefinite ( ) Symmetric: Kij = Kji Positive semidefinite (PSD): for all 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

14 What is a covariance function?
For t1, t2, …, tn, by definition is the covariance between and K is symmetric and PSD Thus, the covariance functionκis a kernel ! 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

15 Conversely Theorem. Given any function and kernel function , exist
This may not hold for other distributions !!! 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

16 Andrey Kolmogorov (1903 - 1987) Foundations of the theory probability
10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

17 Effect of kernel 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

18 Example: Linear Regression
unknown but deterministic independent of each other for different x Z t Y is a Gaussian process 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

19 Maximum Likelihood Having observed Need to estimate w
Choose w that explains the observations best i.i.d. likelihood of data 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

20 Example: Bayesian Linear Regression
independent of w independent of each other for different x Z t Y is a Gaussian process 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

21 Maximum A Posteriori likelihood of data prior posterior normalization Different prior on w leads to different regularization w ~ N(0, I) is equivalent as ridge regression w ~ Lap(0, I) is equivalent as Lasso 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

22 Outline Gaussian Distributions Gaussian Process
Gaussian Linear Regression Advanced 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

23 Abstract View Let be a Gaussian process Having observed
Need to predict 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

24 Familiar view Equivalent in finite dimensions
Feature map of k Equivalent in finite dimensions Incorrect but “intuitive” in infinite dimensions 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

25 Back to abstract is jointly Gaussian What is the distribution of ?
10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

26 Recap: Important facts
marginal joint conditional 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

27 Recap: Example 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

28 Application t = (position, velocity, acceleration) Z = torque 10/24/17
Yao-Liang Yu

29 Outline Gaussian Distributions Gaussian Process
Gaussian Linear Regression Advanced 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

30 Gaussian process classification
Binary label Y generated by Zt is a Gaussian process (real-valued) Given observations Need to predict integrate out latent variable 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

31 Questions? 10/24/17 Yao-Liang Yu

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