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Early christian and medieval

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Presentation on theme: "Early christian and medieval"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early christian and medieval
Late Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque, and Migration Period

2 Good Shepherd from the Catacomb of Priscilla, 250-300

3 Jesus healing the bleeding woman, Roman catacombs, 300-350

4 Christ and Saint Menas. A 6th-century Coptic icon from Egypt (Musée du Louvre).

5 Basilica di S. Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, Italy, 533-549 A.D.


7 Basilica

8 San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy 526 AD

9 Theodora and her Attendants, 547 AD, San Vitale

10 Hagi Sophia (Holy Wisdom, Constantinople)
Istanbul, Turkey 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I

11 Converted into a Mosque in 1453 by invading Turks


13 The reconstructed helmet found at Sutton Hoo, which many historians believe may have belonged to Rædwald. Reign c. 599 – c. 624

14 Shoulder clasp, Sutton Hoo, 600s “Migration Period” art Animal style


16 St. Matthew from the Lindisfarne Gospels, 700 AD

17 St Matthew of the Gospel Book of Charlemagne800 AD

18 Carolingian Art, Ivory plaque, probably from a book cover, Reims late 9th century, with two scenes from the life of Saint Remy and the Baptism of Clovis

19 Romanesque style, Lessay Abbey, Normandy, France
(Called Norman Style in England.)

20 The "Morgan Leaf", detached from the Winchester Bible of 1160−75
The "Morgan Leaf", detached from the Winchester Bible of 1160−75. Scenes from the life of David.

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