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Who was involved? What/When was it? Details

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Presentation on theme: "Who was involved? What/When was it? Details"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who was involved? What/When was it? Details
The Cold War Who was involved? What/When was it? Details

2 Conferences Allied nations meet FDR, Churchill, & Stalin
Discuss what will take place after the war Yalta Conference Elections for all countries freed from Germany Create an international peace keeping organization

3 -Foreshadows some problems between US and SU.
Yalta Conference cont. Stalin agreed to help the war effort against Japan. Stalin upset that we did not tell him about the creation of the atomic bomb. -Foreshadows some problems between US and SU.

4 Truman Doctrine Provide aid to foreign countries to fight communism.
Communist rebels threatening Greece Turkey. U.S aid helped both defeat the Communists

5 US economy depended on trade with Europe
Marshall Plan Economic program for rebuilding and creating a stronger economy for Europe US economy depended on trade with Europe 1948 – 1952

6 Marshall Plan cont. Much of Europe is destroyed after the war
European countries spend the aid on goods manufactured by the US. Every country surpassed pre-war levels. Make sure that countries do not turn to USSR for help

7 US, Britain, and France combine zones of Germany (1948)
Berlin Blockade US, Britain, and France combine zones of Germany (1948) USSR decides to BLOCKADE Berlin. -No Allies in or out -No supplies in or out

8 Berlin Airlift US and British planes begin airlifting supplies into West Berlin. Deliver lifesaving food, fuel, and machinery. -No military action on either side Blockade lifted (1949)

9 Soviets get the BOMB!!! Soviets get secrets from US scientist
Ethal & Julius Rosenberg Julius was working on the Manhattan Project Both convicted Both executed

10 -Resulted in conflict between the US and SU.
Containment United States policy to stop the spread of Communism. -Enforced by Truman Stalin and the Soviets wanted to spread Communism and take over more land. -Resulted in conflict between the US and SU.

11 Domino Theory Belief that if one area came under the influence of Communism, surrounding countries would fall as well. Used by consecutive US administrations to explain the need for American intervention across the world.

12 The United Nations United Nations – Founded in 1945 to replace League of Nations Focus on prevention of war. Created mainly for the pursuit of human rights. -192 member countries today

13 Cold War Tensions Tensions between the US and USSR that lasted for over 40 years. Never any direct conflict. Competition in everything following WWII. -Part of the reason we dropped the bombs on Japan

14 The Arms Race! – US and USSR rush to build more and bigger weapons.
More tensions.. Hydrogen Bomb – Weapon more powerful than atomic bombs, eventually developed by both. The Arms Race! – US and USSR rush to build more and bigger weapons.

15 Sputnik First human made object to orbit the Earth (satellite)
-Launched by USSR (1957) Really scared the US Begin to focus more on science & math in schools Leads to the formation of NASA.

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