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ALICE GSI Compile Cluster

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1 ALICE GSI Compile Cluster
Kilian Schwarz

2 icecream compile cluster

3 setup (permanent location still needed)
start scheduler and monitor on server (currently lxb485: LSF7 test machine, not used in production) scheduler -d icemon & ... start client daemons on Wns (currently lxb480- lxb485: LSF7 test machines) if they should take load, the daemons should be started as „root“ lxb483:~# whoami root lxb483:~# iceccd -s lxb485 -d

4 alice icecream compile cluster

5 icecream usage go to any machine and start your environment
cd /misc/cbmsoft/tools/icecc/sbin ./iceccd -s -d export PATH=/misc/cbmsoft/tools/icecc/bin:$PATH ==> which gcc /misc/cbmsoft/tools/icecc/bin/gcc eventually: cd /misc/cbmsoft/tools/icecc-0.9.2/client ./icecc-create-env /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/g++ mv f46ba338131fd19eaea5c c91.tar.gz lxb255.tar.gz export export ICECC_VERSION=/tmp/lxb255.tar.gz

6 cd $ALICE_ROOT gmake -j100 compile all of AliRoot in 3 minutes
icecream usage (2) cd $ALICE_ROOT gmake -j100 compile all of AliRoot in 3 minutes

7 cluster growth the compile cluster can grow dynamically
feel free to add more resources as long as you have root rights on your machine all architectures (Debian Sarge, Etch, 32/64, Mac, ...) can be added permanent location for the main servers to be found

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