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Presentation on theme: "本课例荣获玉林市2016年高中英语模拟课比赛一等奖"— Presentation transcript:

1 本课例荣获玉林市2016年高中英语模拟课比赛一等奖
Unit 2 The Olympic Games 博白县中学: 谢佩利

2 What do we compete for in a sports event?
We usually compete for honor or medals.

3 A story about competing for love
Reading& Listening

4 Reading Skim the text and find out “who/where/when” in the story. Who would compete for love? Hippomenes.

5 ? The king ?

6 Scan the text and answer the following questions.
Reading Scan the text and answer the following questions. 1. What was Atlanta’s trouble? 2. What were Atlanta’s rules? 3. Why did Hippomenes change his mind to run against Atlanta? 4. What did Hippomenes do when he realized he couldn’t win the race?

7 1.What was Atlanta’s trouble?
She was not allowed to run or win glory for herself in the Olympic Games.

8 2.What were Atlanta’s rules?
The king

9 3.Why did Hippomenes change his mind to run against Atlanta?
compete for love Because he saw Atlanta and fell in love with her

10 4.What did Hippomenes do when he realized
he couldn’t win the race? the Goddess of Love three golden apples He asked the Goddess of Love for help

11 fell in love The king father and daughter

12 Summarize the main idea
marry faster the Goddess of Love

13 Pre-listening Group work( 6 in a group): Continue and create an ending for the story. Choose one of the following sentences to start your story. 1.The next day, Hippomenes brought the three apples with him. … 2. The next day, when Hippomenes stood at the starting line,… 3.The next day, when Atlanta saw Hippomenes, she…

14 What is the end of your story ?

15 listening Listen to the end of the story, check your guess and answer the following questions. 1. What did he do when Atlanta was in front of him during the race? 2. Did Hippomenes win the race? He threw the apples in front of Atlanta when she ran faster then him. Yes, he won the race.

16 listening Listen again and put the sentences in order.
A. Atlanta married him and they lived happily ever after. B. When the race began, Atlanta ran past him. C. She stopped to pick them up. D. She ran too slowly and he won. E. He threw the golden apples one after another. 5 1 3 4 2

17 Infer: Atlanta also fell in love with Hippomenes
listening Hippomenes was waiting when Atlanta came out. She thought, “I _________ this man _____!” so she said to her father, “Tell him __________. The race ____________ today.” But Hippomenes said, “There are __________: She _________________ who ___________ than her! ___________ -- let’s run!” don’t want to die to go away will not be run her rules will marry the man runs faster Come on Infer: Atlanta also fell in love with Hippomenes

18 Post-task Discussion If you were Hippomenes, would you run against Atlanta? Why? (boys) If you were Atlanta, Would you marry Hippomenes? Why? (girls)

19 What kind of lessons can we learn from
this story about competing for love. In our lives, we should bravely run after what we want just like Hippomenes.

20 Summary 1.the reading skills: skimming/scanning/inferring
What have we learned? 1.the reading skills: 2. Predict before listening. skimming/scanning/inferring

21 Complete your story. If possible, add some pictures.


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