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Air fresheners Air ionizers.

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Presentation on theme: "Air fresheners Air ionizers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air fresheners Air ionizers

2 What are air ionizers Air ionizers are negative ion generators
Their purpose is to clean air of cat fur, smoke, dust, etc…

3 How do they work? When turned on, the air ionizer creates electrons, by applying voltage to built in needles The electrons get dispelled and attach to air particles, and create negatively charged ions These ions attach themselves to cat fur, smoke, dust, etc. The ions have static cling, so they stick to the surfaces They are then sucked into the filter or land on the floor, and then can be vacuumed up

4 How are air ionizers an application of static electricity?
The electrons are negatively charged, and they attach to the neutral air particles. They then become negative ions They are then larger, negatively charged, and then can be sucked up by the vacuum or filter in the air ionizer

5 Bibliography “What Exactly Does an Air Purifier's Ionizer Do?” The Spruce, 6ZOE%3D%2F960x0%2Ffilters%3Ano_upscale%28%29%2FLasko2551windcurvetowerfan- 56e475c83df78c5ba0571bff.jpg& &docid=eptjR2VHj0Ly2M&tbnid=7oumLBIVTfwWTM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi7xb2yw6rXAhUJwmMKHcHBBiYQMwiSASgLMAs..i&w=800&h= 2778&client=safari&bih=666&biw=1024&q=air%2Bionizer&ved=0ahUKEwi7xb2yw6rXAhUJwmMKHcHBBiYQMwiSASgLMAs&iact=mrc&uact=8.

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