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Other Elements of Interest

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1 Other Elements of Interest
Beyond the first twenty elements of the periodic table there are many others that are particularly interesting.

2 Today's Starter Quote Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. – Mark Twain

3 Iron Symbol 5926 Fe Origin : latin, Ferrum
Uses: Major component of steel

4 Nickel Symbol: 5928 Ni Number of protons or electrons: 28
Uses: Nickels (but it's actually mostly iron now), heating coils and Ni-Cd batteries

5 Copper Symbol: 6429 Cu Number of neutrons: 35
Uses: Pennies (though less than 5%), wiring, drain cleaner and piping for water

6 Zinc Symbol: 6530Zn 35 Neutrons
Uses: inside of pennies, plating for screws and nails (galvanized)

7 Bromine Symbol: 8035Br Atomic Number: 35
Uses: one of two elements that is a liquid; salts are used in hot tubs

8 Silver Symbol: 10847 Ag Origin: Argentum (money)
Uses: Jewelry, currency/coins, anti- microbial cloths

9 Iodine Symbol: 12753 I Atomic Mass: 127 amu
Uses: formerly a disinfectant, prevents goiter

10 Gold Symbol: 19779Au Origin: Aurum (latin)
Uses: currency, jewelry, plating for very expensive wiring

11 Mercury Symbol: 20180 Hg Origin: Latin (hydrogyrum – shiny water)
Uses: liquid, old thermometers, old thermostats, lights, batteries

12 Lead Symbol: 20782Pb Origin: latin (plumbum)
Uses: very old piping, but it's toxic to humans (lead poisoning)

13 Uranium Symbol: U Uses: Fuel rods for nuclear power production, weaponry, insulating for old telephone wiring

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