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Results of activities of the UN-REDD/UNDP Project

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2 Results of activities of the UN-REDD/UNDP Project
“Strengthening the capacities of Indigenous Peoples for their informed participation in the design and implementation of the REDD+ mechanism in Peru” Results of activities of the UN-REDD/UNDP Project

3 Subnational Workshops
Promoting participation of relevant actors: awareness of REDD+ and validation of a stakeholder engagement strategy Design of a Participation Plan for the Amazon Indigenous Peoples in the Preparation Process for REDD+ (R-PP) Development and validation of a proposal for the benefits distribution options. Analysis, awareness and proposal of a mechanism to promote REDD+ transparency. Design of a participatory monitoring system of environmental and social safeguards for REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples Consultancies

4 Promoting participation of relevant actors: awareness of REDD+ and validation of a stakeholder engagement strategy Product: Strengthening of the capacities of indigenous peoples and other interested actors for their informed participation in the design and implementation of the REDD+ mechanism in Peru

5 Promoting participation of relevant actors: awareness of REDD+ and validation of a stakeholder engagement strategy Participants: The target audience was primarily the indigenous peoples of the central jungle (Satipo), Amazonas (Santa María de Nieva), Loreto (Iquitos y Contamana), Ucayali (Pucallpa and Atalaya), Madre de Dios (Puerto Maldonado) and San Martín (Lamas) Participation of nearly 400 indigenous leaders from over 70 different organizations with the participation of regional and local authorities

6 Promoting participation of relevant actors: awareness of REDD+ and validation of a stakeholder engagement strategy Results Increased understanding among Indigenous Peoples of the effects of climate change in their everyday activities. Understanding of REDD+ as an opportunity but also recognition of the potential risks, particularly related to indigenous territories. Findings More information is required on REDD+ which should be prepared with an intercultural focus More information-sharing workshops on the REDD+ mechanism should be provided at a local level. The capacities of young people should be strengthened to develop alternative activities within communities for the opportnities that REDD+ could represent in the future.

7 Design of a Participation Plan for the Amazon Indigenous Peoples in the Preparation Process for REDD+ (R-PP) Product: A proposed work plan for the development of the component on the consultation and participation of indigenous peoples in the R-PP

8 Design of a Participation Plan for the Amazon Indigenous Peoples in the Preparation Process for REDD+ (R-PP) Results: Analysis of the formal and informal participation spaces for REDD+ and related processes. Analysis of the formation process of the REDD Amazon Indigenous tables (Loreto, Ucayali, Madre de Dios, San Martin) and proposal for strengthening; methodology for carrying out consultations and participation by type of actors in REDD+. Proposal Work plan for the development of the component on consultation and participation of the stakeholders in the R-PP (budget and schudele of activities by type of actors)

9 Development and validation of a proposal for the benefit distribution options
Product: Identification of loopholes and proposal of administrative procedures for the implementation of benefit sharing models based on national and international previous experiences of the REDD+ mechanism framework.

10 Development and validation of a proposal for the benefit distribution options
Results: Description and analysis of legal frameworks in payment for environmental services in other countries Map of involved stakeholders in the benefit distribution from the implementation of a conventional indigenous REDD mechanism Description and analysis of contracts between indigenous communities and forest owners and others. Proposal of benefit distribution in REDD mechanism in Peru Elements for reaching an Emissions Reductions Purchase Agreement

11 Analysis, awareness and proposal of a mechanism to promote REDD+ transparency
Product: Institutional diagnosis of the risks of corruption in REDD+ according to the nested approach in order to support the design of a capacity building process for territorial governance in the context of the REDD+ mechanism.

12 Analysis, awareness and proposal of a mechanism to promote REDD+ transparency
Results: List of potential risks (fraud, state capture, bribery, favoritism, manipulation of information, embezzlement) Proposal of mechanism for transparency and elements for a monitoring system To reverse weeknesses in the governance system To mitigate corrupt practices Capacity building program Support the generation and strengthening of coordination and consultation spaces Design and implement a concerted monitoring and surveillance system To promote education, training and formation Develop tools and media Assess, monitor and trace continuously

13 Design of a participatory monitoring system of environmental and social safeguards for REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples Product: Design and initial implementation of a participatory monitoring system of SES

14 Design of a partipatory monitoring system of environmental and social safeguards for REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples Results: Analysis of the current status of the Environmental and Social Safeguards for REDD+ in Peru A proposal of a development and capacity building Plan for the implementation of a participatory monitoring of environmental and social safeguards for indigenous peoples.



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