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The Cold War and American Society Pgs. 546 – 553

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1 The Cold War and American Society Pgs. 546 – 553
Chapter 15.3 The Cold War and American Society Pgs. 546 – 553

2 A New Red Scare Red Scare – people feared communism
Evidence showed USSR’s efforts The Loyalty Review Program Screened federal employees How can you tell if someone is loyal/disloyal? 212 people fired

3 Cont. HUAC Looking for communists & sympathizers Hollywood on Trial
Reagan says communists in Hollywood The Hollywood 10 Alger Hiss Worked in State Department – accused of spying “Pumpkin Papers” & perjury

4 Cont. HUAC (Cont.) The Rosenbergs Project Verona
Accused of selling atomic secrets Found guilty on “sketchy” evidence Executed in 1953 Did they really do it? Project Verona We had cracked the Soviet code Evidence proved theirs and others guilt Revealed in 1995; 4 years after the USSR collapsed

5 Cont. The Red Scare Spreads State & local gov. follows the feds lead
The University of California Taft Hartley & Unions

6 McCarthyism Joseph McCarthy The McCarran Act
Are we losing the Cold War: Bombs, China, Spies A nobody makes a wild claim Accusations against George Marshall The McCarran Act Illegal to act to help overthrow the government Communists targeted & forced into the open Veto, override & the Supreme Court

7 Cont. McCarthy’s Tactics McCarthy’s Downfall
Made accusations on little evidence Bullied witnesses to “prove” his case McCarthy’s Downfall And then he goes after the Army He did this on television “Have you no sense of decency?” Senate censured him, he died in 1957

8 Life During the Early Cold War
Facing the Bomb How do you survive a nuclear attack? Hydrogen bombs by 1953 School drills – “Duck & Cover” Civil Defense & fallout shelters

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