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Dr.S.Gopalakrishnan1, Dr.V.M.Anantha Eashwar2, Dr.A.Geetha3

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1 Dr.S.Gopalakrishnan1, Dr.V.M.Anantha Eashwar2, Dr.A.Geetha3
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITIC INFESTATIONS AND ANAEMIA AMONG URBAN ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN KANCHEEPURAM DISTRICT, TAMIL NADU. Dr.S.Gopalakrishnan1, Dr.V.M.Anantha Eashwar2, Dr.A.Geetha3 Department of Community Medicine, SBMCH. INTRODUCTION RESULTS INTRODUCTION FIGURE 2 : ASSOCIATION OF INTESTINAL PARASITES WITH SEVERITY OF ANEMIA AND OPEN AIR DEFECATION FIGURE 1 : DISTRIBUTION OF STUDY PARTICIPANTS ACCORDING TO THEIR EDUCATIONAL STATUS Intestinal parasitic infestations are endemic worldwide and have been an important cause of illness and disease worldwide. In India overall prevalence of Intestinal parasitic infestations varies from 13% to 68%. In India, anemia affects an estimated 50% of the population. According to WHO, 88% of the adolescent girls are suffering from anemia due to various determinants. This study was done to estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation and anemia among urban adolescent girls between the age group of 13 – 17 years. n = 179 OBJECTIVE To find out the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation among urban adolescent girls in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu To find out the prevalence of anemia among urban adolescent girls in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu TABLE 1 : CLINCAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDY PARTICIPANTS Variable Category Total Percentage Anemia No Anemia (>12 mg/dl) 29 14.5 Anemia Present (8 – 11.9 mg/dl) 117 58.5 Severe Anemia (<8 mg/dl) 54 27 Stool Examination No worm 126 63 E. histolytica 50 25 Giardia lamblia 11 5.5 Hookworm 13 6.5 n = 21` METHODOLOGY CONCLUSION STUDY DESIGN: Community based Descriptive cross sectional study STUDY POPULATION: Adolescent girl students of 8th, 9th, 10th ,11th and 12th Standard studying in an urban school in Chennai. SAMPLE SIZE : The total sample size was All the adolescent girls studying in the 8th, 9th 10th , 11th and 12th Standard were included in the study. SAMPLING TYPE : Convenient Sampling technique. An urban school as per convenience of the researcher, was selected in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. STUDY TOOL : Socio-demographic details were collected by interview method using a structured questionnaire. Haemoglobin estimation is done by Rapid Diagnostic test by portable digital hemoglobinometer. Early morning stool specimen approximately 1gm was collected from each child in sterile screw capped bottles and transported to the laboratory within 2 hours for stool examination. The data was analyzed using SPSS 22 Software. ETHICAL APPROVAL : Ethical approval was obtained from Institutional Ethical Committee, Sree Balaji Medical College. INFORMED CONSENT: Informed consent was obtained from both the headmaster of the school and the study participants. This study shows that intestinal parasitic infestation and anemia are major public health threat among adolescent girls. Interventions like health education to the parents, teachers and students about personal hygiene, deworming practices and balanced diet has to be done. TABLE 2 : ASSOCIATION OF ANEMIA WITH PRESENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES RECOMMENDATIONS Anemia Stool Sample Analysis Chi square P Value E. histolytica Giardia lamblia Hook worm No worm Anemia Absent n = 29 1 2 26 23.046 0.03* Anemia Present n = 117 7 10 74 Severe Anemia n = 54 23 3 All post menarcheal girls should be supplemented with Iron and folic acid tablets. Annual examination of blood for hemoglobin percentage and stool for intestinal parasite infestation should be undertaken to rule out these problems with periodic deworming. REFERENCES Atul Aher, Sanjeev Kulkarni. Prevalence of intestinal parasites in school going children in a rural community. International J of biomedical rearch.2011;2(12): Programming for adolescent health and development; WHO 886; 1996. Wani SA, Ahmad F. Intestinal helminths and associated risk factors in children of district Pulwama, Kashmir, India. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2009;27(01):81e82. Khurana S, Taneja N, Thapar R, Sharma M, Malla N. Intestinal bacterial and parasitic infections among food handlers in a tertiary care hospital of North India. Tropical gastroenterology. 2010;29(4):207-9. *P value <0.05, statistically significant at 95% Confidence interval TABLE 3 : ASSOCIATION OF OPEN AIR DEFECATION WITH PRESENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES Open Air Defecation Stool Sample Analysis Chi square P Value E. histolytica Giardia lamblia Hook worm No worm No 44 8 9 118 17.227 0.002* Yes 6 3 4 *P value <0.05, statistically significant at 95% Confidence interval

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