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Level 4 Unit 2 Defining Style.

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1 Level 4 Unit 2 Defining Style

2 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Entry Task Quickwrite (R/W NB) Define point of view. Write a detailed paragraph explaining why point of view is important in life. Think of one or two specific scenarios where point of view would be particularly critical.

3 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Learning Targets (pg 91) • Identify and discuss the effect of the point of view from which a story is told. • Choose an appropriate point of view for an original short story.

4 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Comparing Points of View (pg 91) First Person: The narrator is a character in the story and refers to himself or herself as “I.”

5 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Comparing Points of View (pg 91) Third-Person Limited: Unlike the omniscient narrator, this narrator is a character in the story and provides the reader the inside thoughts of only one character but none of the thoughts of any of the other characters.

6 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Comparing Points of View (pg 91) Third-Person Omniscient: This type of narrator is not a character, but is all-knowing and is able to recount the background and inside thoughts and feelings of any character.

7 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Comparing Points of View (pg 91) First, determine which point of view is modeled in the passages listed on page 91. Now, re-write each passage in a different point of view.

8 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Comparing Points of View (pg 92) Now, use your understanding of point of view to transform each excerpt on page 92 into the other two points of view. Work in pairs to discuss and transform the texts.

9 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Check Your Understanding (pg 93) Discussion • Which point of view gives the most information about the actions and feelings of the characters? Why? • Which is most limited? Why? • Why would an author choose to tell a story in first person? In third-person limited? In third-person omniscient?

10 2.3 Experimenting with point of view
Assignment Writing Prompt: Return to the conflicts and characters that you created in Activity 2.2. Write an opening to a story that presents the character, the conflict (s), and/or the setting using the point of view that you think would be best to narrate the story. Be sure to include the following: • a central conflict that will drive the events of the story and develop the character • an internal or external conflict for the main character • a consistent point of view • an introduction to the main character through description of appearance, actions and voice

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