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Materials Engineering Product Data Management (ePDM)

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Presentation on theme: "Materials Engineering Product Data Management (ePDM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Materials Engineering Product Data Management (ePDM)
Training e-Business June 2005 Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

2 About the Training Material
Product Data Management—ePDM The eProduct training is intended to help you understand the e-Business Quality project and business processes Throughout the presentation there will be “knowledge checks” to help you understand concepts presented Click to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

3 Agenda Section 1 - Introduction Goals and Objectives Definition
Why PDM on the web? How to view PDM information Section 2 - Accessing ePDM Section 3 - Using ePDM Reports Online

4 Product Data Management—ePDM
Goals and Objectives Product Data Management—ePDM To learn how to access information on parts you are providing for Intel go through To display item details for a material item Demonstrate how to download document/drawings and files Access AML To learn how to run various types of reports on your parts Click to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

5 Product Data Management—ePDM
Definition Product Data Management—ePDM What does PDM mean? Product Data Management Click to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

6 Why PDM on the Web? Prior to implementing ePDM on the web, Intel utilized to share documentation with suppliers. The problem with this method was… Outgoing… It made systems slow because of the large files being transmitted to a supplier. Not a secure way of pushing documentation files to suppliers Long TPT on changes and updates- manual process Manual communication on changes Information is easily outdated Click to change slide.

7 Why PDM on the Web? (cont.)
Intel’s solution for suppliers to access raw material/information using the internet. To automate the download of documentation files associated with a raw material. Drawings Specifications AML (Approved Manufacturers List) Etc. Click to change slide.

8 How to view PDM Information – Intel vs. Supplier
Intel employees will view the details for a material item utilizing the SPEED program By searching for the part number or manufacturer number Suppliers will view their specific material information via the SPS Portal by navigating to their supplier info web page and selecting the Product Data Management link. This is determined by material item and the Approved Manufactured List (AML) status for the supplier. Click to change slide.

9 Product Data Management—ePDM
Knowledge Check Product Data Management—ePDM What does PDM mean Product Display Management Preview Data Management Product Data Management True or false; An Intel employee can use the PDM web application to download document files? True or false; A Supplier who has access to the PDM web application can display documentation for any material available through SPEED? Answers are in the Notes sections. Click to change slide. Knowledge check answers: C, product data management False, only through SPEED False, only the material that match to their AML status Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

10 Agenda Section 1 - Introduction Goals and Objectives Definition
Why PD on the web? How to view PDM information – Intel vs. Supplier Section 2 - Accessing ePDM Section 3 - Using ePDM Reports Online

11 Getting Access to
Product Data Management—ePDM Sign-up for an account at Request access to these applications: PDM Quality (if using SCAR tool) Contact at supplier site approves access for user. Wait to receive account and access approvals by Logon to Select ePDM Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

12 Product Data Management—ePDM
New Account Request Product Data Management—ePDM Go to Select Registration Select Request a New Account for initial account creation Select Check the Status or Request additional Access to determine your status or request access to other modules. Request a new Account Or Check the status or request additional access Click the Request new Account to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

13 New Account Request cont.
Enter DUNS Number (Dun & Bradstreet official number). Follow directions on page to find the number Request access to: Supplier Info-PDM for File, AML (Approved Manufacturer List) and Item Detail access Supplier Info-Quality for SCAR access Supplier Info-OMEP for OMEP access 7. Click Next

14 New Account Request cont.
Complete the required fields indicated by an asterisk *. Click the question mark to obtain help with the specific field. Click submit when done. Note: Include the name of the Intel Contact in the Intel Contact field for faster access approval.

15 Logging on to
Product Data Management—ePDM Use your browser to go to Select Supplier Login Enter your Supplier Login ID and password. Click Submit. mysupplierid ********** Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

16 Navigating the Supplier Info Web Site
Product Data Management—ePDM My Supplier Info web page appears. notifications from ePDM, eQuality or OMEP will be displayed in the Your Notifications area for 60 days. From the menu, click Product Data Management. Click the Product Data Management link to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

17 Product Data Management—ePDM
Knowledge Check Product Data Management—ePDM If you already have an account, what do you need to do to view your product data? From the home page, select the Intel Managed Materials tab. Go to and use the search engine to find your products. Look for a letter from your Intel Commodity Manager telling you where to go. Logon to then look for the Product Data Management link from the My Supplier Info web page. Answers are in the Notes sections. Click to change slide. Knowledge check answers: No Yes Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

18 Agenda Section 1 - Introduction Goals and Objectives Definition
Why PD on the web? How to view PDM information – Intel vs. Supplier Section 2 - Accessing ePDM Section 3 - Using ePDM Reports Online

19 Product Data Management—ePDM
PDM Reports Available Product Data Management—ePDM The Item Query Report is the first screen you’ll see when you select the Product Data Management link Enter an Item Code and click the Run Report button Select Begins with or Contains and enter a partial number or other item detail specifics to return items that match your query Or click the PDM AML Summary link to view a report of all items on your Approved Manufacturers List Click to change slide. Enter a partial number or other information for a wildcard item query. Click Run Report after all criteria entered Enter a number for a specific item to query. Select Begins with or Contains from drop down, then… Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

20 Viewing the Item Query Report
Product Data Management—ePDM The Item Code you enter queries the SPEED database for the Intel P/N. Leave the Rev field blank to see all revisions or enter the revision number you wish to view. Approval Level is the current status of the item’s revision. Created and Modified are date fields to allow you to query on items created or modified on, after, before or between a specific date. Click to change slide. Note: Options contained in this query are subject to change without notice Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

21 View Item Query Report The results of your query are displayed on the Query Report tab. Click on Query Selection tab to run a Report with different criteria. Click to change slide. Click on an Item Code link (Blue Item code) to view a Detail Report. Use the arrows to view next series of numbers.

22 Viewing the AML Summary Report
Product Data Management—ePDM Click the PDM AML Summary link to view that report. Click the circled link to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

23 Data in the AML Summary Report
Product Data Management—ePDM This report lists all your parts and their current status - Filter the information contained in the report by Manufacturer, AML Status or Item Release Level using drop down selections. Click any link to change slide. Click on an Item Code link (Blue Item code) to view a Detail Report. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

24 Viewing an Item Detail Report
Product Data Management—ePDM Here is the detail on the item you selected. Click the AML Detail link to view all AML (Approved Manufacturer List) information associated with this item. Click the Files link to change slide. Click AML Detail to see AML information associated with this item. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

25 Viewing the Item AML Detail
Product Data Management—ePDM Your current AML (Approved Manufacturer List) information associated with this item is displayed including manufacturer’s part number, current AML status and lead free information for that part number. Click to change slide Mfr Part Number Lead Free Status AML Status Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

26 Return to Item Detail Report
Product Data Management—ePDM Click the Detail link to return item detail page for this item. Click the Files link to change slide. Click Detail to return to item detail page. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

27 Viewing the File Report
Product Data Management—ePDM Click the Files link to view all files associated with this item. Click the Files link to change slide. Click Files to see all files associated with this item. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

28 Viewing the Item File List Report
Product Data Management—ePDM The files associated with this item and all child items within the Bill of Material for this item are displayed To download these files, place a check in the box next to file(s) to be exported and click Download files Note: Some files available to Intel personnel may not be available to ePDM users due to the security setting for the file and/or item. Click the Download Files button to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

29 Document Extraction Report
Product Data Management—ePDM After selected files are downloaded, this page confirms successful download. A box will come up asking where to save the zipped files. Use the Back button to return to the PDM File List Report Click Supplier Infoweb to return to your home page Or select another report option Click to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

30 Downloading Detail Information in Rosetta Net Format
Product Data Management—ePDM Click XML Document to view and download this item’s information in Rosetta Net (XML) format Click the XML Document link to change slide. Click XML Document to view the information in Rosetta Net format. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

31 Downloading Detail Information in Rosetta Net Format
Product Data Management—ePDM Information is displayed in Rosetta Net Format Click File, Save As to save the file to a specific location Click the File menu to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

32 Product Data Management—ePDM
Selecting Reports Product Data Management—ePDM From the menu, select other reports to view Click anywhere to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

33 Excel report down load On any screen the Excel download button appears to allow you to save the information in an Excel file. This will allow you to format your data to meet your needs Format columns so that all information shows Delete items from the report Click anywhere to change slide.

34 AML Change Order To create an AML Change Order (ACO) to inform Intel of changes to your product(s), follow these steps: Select AML Change Order | Query Then Select Create ACO Click anywhere to change slide. Note: ACO Query can be used to track the status of your ACO

35 AML Change Order continued
Enter the Detail information: Reason for Change Description of Change Date change should take affect Intel’s item number (One item per ACO) Click Get Item to change slide. Select Date that change should take affect (mm/dd/yyyy) Select Reason for Change Enter Description of Change Enter Intel’s Part number Click Get Item

36 AML Change Order continued
Select AML tab to view current AML information for selected part, or to add a new AML line. Make necessary changes to status Or add a new Manufacturer line (remember to add your Part number in Mfr Item Number field) Click Save to change slide. Click Save when done Add new manufacturer line Change Status Enter Mfr Item Number

37 AML Change Order continued
It is necessary to enter all information on both the detail tab and the AML tab prior to saving. You will not be able to make changes to the ACO after you have saved. ACOs can only be created for purchased items that you are entitled to. A warning will appear if: The item is Make Your company does not have access to the part Notification is automatically sent to the person listed as the Commodity Contact on the ACO detail. Notify your Intel Contact if you do not see any change to your ACO after 2 weeks. ACO Query functions the same as Item Query. Enter your query criteria then click Run Report. Click anywhere to change slide.

38 Product Data Management—ePDM
Knowledge Check Product Data Management—ePDM How do you find detailed information on one of your parts? Select the AML Summary Report link. Go to and use the search engine to find your part. Use the Item Query Report to query the SPEED database. Click on a part number from the AML Summary Report link. Select the Quality link and search the SCAR reports. Answers are in the Note section. Click to change slide. Knowledge check answers: No Yes Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

39 Product Data Management—ePDM
In Summary… Product Data Management—ePDM By now you should understand… How to access information through on parts you are providing to Intel How to display item details for material items How to display AML information How to download files How to run various types of reports on your part(s) How to download to Excel How to create an AML Change Order Click to change slide. Print Date: Dated material – expires 1 month from print date. Intel Corporation – Confidential Information

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