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Ageing Better Programme

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1 Ageing Better Programme
BIG LOTTERY Ageing Better Programme

2 What the Lottery Funding is for
To reduce social isolation among older people who are most at risk To build the capacity of older people & local communities & develop support networks To find out what works & what doesn’t work by analysing the effect of innovative initiatives on older people’s lives the demand for health & care services To improve cross sector partnership working * It is NOT to fund existing projects & activities

3 Outcomes Older people are less isolated
They are actively involved in their community & their contribution is valued They are more engaged in the design & delivery of services Services that reduce isolation are better planned & coordinated Better evidence is available for services that effectively reduce isolation

4 The Story So Far March 2013 – BIG Lottery announced the new £70 million Ageing Better programme 100 areas invited to submit an Expression of Interest in bidding for funding 32 areas (including Wolverhampton & Birmingham) chosen to go on to the next stage 15-20 of these areas will be chosen, after evaluation of their Vision & Strategy, to receive £2-6 million over 3-6 years to develop initiatives to tackle social isolation

5 Social Isolation Social isolation causes both physical & mental ill health Risk factors: Living alone, being a carer Very old, ethnicity, sexual orientation Bereavement, retirement, divorce Mobility problems, poor physical/mental health, sight/hearing problems Living in a deprived area

6 What’s Happening Now Establishment of Partnership
Selection of lead VCS organisation Engagement with lonely, isolated older people Research Production of Vision & Strategy

7 The Role of the Partnership
Establish structures & processes that enable older people to drive the project Undertake area wide consultation & mapping of existing services & activities Identify relevant research findings & good practice Develop a strategy & plans to reduce social isolation Commission appropriate interventions & monitor delivery Evaluate initiatives & disseminate learning Influence the design & delivery of services used by older people

8 Involvement of Older People
Older people should be central in key decisions & take a lead role in: Identifying the priorities for tackling social isolation Planning how & where to address the priorities Helping to manage or deliver initiatives Taking part in the evaluation of initiatives

9 Vision & Strategy Vision & Strategy for addressing It should cover:
social isolation, developed by local older people & other partners, must be submitted to BIG Lottery by April 2013 It should cover: The area’s innovative approach to addressing social isolation & vision for the future Overview of social isolation & existing initiatives in the area Specific groups & localities to be prioritised & the rationale for choosing them

10 Implementation Summer 2014 – areas chosen to receive funding of £2- 6 million £50,000 grant each to develop detailed Project Plan over 5 months Project implementation begins in Spring 2015

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