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Poetry Homework Comparison

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1 Poetry Homework Comparison
Year 11A Poetry Homework Comparison

2 Compare the ways poets present ideas about power in Ozymandias and one other poem from your anthology. Write 4 paragraphs in response to this task- think SQUAD (PEEL)

3 Success Criteria The examiner is looking for: AO1: Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: • maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response • use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations. AO2: Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate. AO3: Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written. AO4: Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation Level 6 : Convincing, critical analysis and exploration Level 5 : Thoughtful, developed consideration Level 4 : Clear understanding Level 3 : Explained, Structured comments Level 2 : Supported, relevant comments Level 1 : Simple Explicit commented

4 What do I cover in an essay? Remember SLIME
STRUCTURE- Layout, Form, Structural Devices, Rhythm and Rhyme LANGUAGE- Language Devices ((APES STOMP), Words which create sound or key words. IMAGERY- Metaphor, similes, anything which helps create images through writing. MEANING- what are the connotations of all this? What is the poet’s message or messages? How does the context affect this? EFFECT- How does this make the audience feel, what is the effect the poet is trying to create in all this?

5 Key Connectives To Help

6 Sample response – Meaning
The theme of power and more importantly the misuse of power is presented in both Ozymandias by Shelley and London by William Blake. Power is portrayed in a negative light in both poems as those with power abuse their positions and misuse their power for personal gain. Ozymandias is the self proclaimed ‘King of Kings’, but is noted in the poem as a fallen King as a result of his harsh treatment of his people, ‘ the hand that mock’. The juxtaposition of his pedestal words and his ‘broken visage’ in a barren land shows that power that is abused will result in a forgotten King or ruler. A similar abuse of power in noted in London, where the social hierarchy of the time, ‘palace walls’ , where place refers to the monarchy is seen to abuse their power in their abandonment of the poor in their time of ‘woe’ and suffering. The imagery in both the poems conveys to the reader that power should not be abused and must be used to protect or support.

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