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M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML On behalf of CERN-FNAL collaboration

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1 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML On behalf of CERN-FNAL collaboration
11 T Dipole for DS M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML On behalf of CERN-FNAL collaboration B. Auchmann, L. Bottura , B. Holzer, L. Oberli, L. Rossi, D. Smekens (CERN) N, Andreev, G. Apollinari, E. Bartzi, R. Bossert, F. Nobrega, I. Novitski, A. Zlobin (FNAL)

2 Collimation Phase II Upgrade in DS
2013: IR3 (Decision in June) 2017: IR7 & IR2 (IR3?) 2020: IR1,5 as part of HL-LHC Base-line is re-location of magnets to create space for 4.5 m long warm collimator Cryo-collimator is an R&D project May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

3 DS Upgrade Scenarios halo
Shift 12 Cryo-magnets, DFB, and connection cryostat in each DS -4.5 m shifted in s halo +4.5 m shifted in s transversely shifted by 4.5 cm New ~ m shorter Nb3Sn Dipoles (2 per DS) May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

4 Cryo-collimator Courtesy of D. Ramos 3061 1541 May 2, 2011
M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

5 May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

6 Strong DS-Dipole Plan A (Cryo-collimator, L ≈ 3 m):
1 x (11.2 T x 10.6 m) magnet, Lcoldmass ≈ 11 m, (MB -4.2 m) => 8 coldmass + 2 spares = 10 CM by 2017 2 x (11.2 T x 5.3 m) magnets, Lcoldmass ≈ 11.5 m, (MB -3.7 m) => 16 coldmass + 4 spares = 20 CM by 2017 Plan B (Warm collimator, L = 4.5 m): 4 x (11 T x 5.3 m) dipoles, Lcoldmass ≈ 23.0 m Approx. 7.3 m for collimator and local orbit / higher order correctors (and ICs, bus-bar lyras etc..) => 32 coldmass + 8 spares = 40 CM by 20?? May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

7 Magnet Design Constraints
∫BdL = Inom = kA 2-in-1 design, intra-beam distance 194 m Aperture: Sagitta: 11 m – 5.0 mm, 5.5 m – 1.3 mm => Ø60 mm aperture and straight cold mass Cold mass outer contour from MB Heat exchanger location as in MB 20 % operation margin on the load-line Field harmonics at 10-4 level (TBC by AP) Maximum use of existing tooling and infrastructure in both labs May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

8 Nb3Sn Superconductor Nb3Sn critical parameters (Jc, Bc2 and Tc) very attractive for accelerator magnets Requires (long) heat 680 °C => Only inorganic insulation materials Brittle, strain sensitive after reaction Requires vacuum impregnation with resin => less efficient heat extraction by He Magneto-thermal instabilities => small filaments, small strands, high RRR Filaments ~50 µm (NbTi 6 µm) Persistent current effects Cost ~5 x NbTi Limited supply and only few suppliers (compared to NbTi) May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

9 Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnet R&D Progress
Year Laboratory Magnet type (name) Results 1967 BNL quadrupole 85 T/m (3 T) 1979 dipole 4.8 T 1982 CERN 71 T/m 1983 CEN/Saclay 5.3 T 1985 LBNL dipole (D10) 8 T 1986 KEK 4.5 T 1988 7.6 T 1991 CERN/ELIN 9.5 T 1995 dipole (hybrid D19H) 8.5 T UT dipole (MSUT) 11.2 T 1996 dipole (D20) 13.3 T 2003 dipole (RD3c) 10 T 2004-6 Fermilab dipole (HFDA05-07) 2008 dipole (HD2) 13.4 T A. Zlobin, PAC-2011 Both the performance and the technological aspects of the Nb3Sn strands and accelerator magnets have significantly advanced. May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

10 Nb3Sn Magnet R&D at Fermilab
Nb3Sn accelerator magnet R&D at Fermilab since 1999 focusing first on small aperture 10 T dipoles for VLHC Since 2005 focus on large aperture 200 T/m quads for the LHC upgrade. A. Zlobin, PAC-2011 May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

11 11 T Model Program May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

12 End-2011 1-in-1 Demo End-2012 2-in-1 #1 FNAL Coils Mid-2013 2-in-1 #2
CERN Coils End-2013 5.5 m Model May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

13 Production Phase 2014-17 Coil production (CERN & FNAL)
Collaring (CERN & FNAL) Cold mass assembly (CERN) Cryostat integration (CERN) Testing (CERN) Installation in the tunnel Material cost for 20 off 5.5 m CM ~25 MCHF 3..4 years May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

14 Cable & Insulation 250 m Nb3Sn cable produced Jc measurements underway
First CERN cabling run expected Beg-May May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

15 Measured Jc (rectangular cable)
Courtesy of E. Barzi, FNAL May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

16 Working point & EM Forces
Measured Jc OST 108/127 Ø0.70 mm 10% degr. 80.4% May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

17 Coil Ends & Practice Coil
First practice coil wound with SLS end spacers Yoke cut-back determined such that the Bp is in the straight section May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML 17

18 2-in-1 & 1-in-1 Models B0(11.85 kA) = 11.21 T B0(11.85 kA) = 10.86 T
May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

19 1-in-1 Demonstrator Mechanical Structure
The 25-mm thick slightly elliptical stainless steel collar. The vertically split iron yoke clamped with Al clamps. The 12-mm stainless steel skin. Two 50-mm thick end plates. The coil pre-stress at room temperature is 100 MPa to keep coil under compression up to 12 T. The mechanical structure is optimized to maintain the coil stress below 160 MPa - safe level for brittle Nb3Sn coils. A. Zlobin, PAC-2011 The structure and assembly tooling design is in progress. May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

20 Design Parameters Note: Cryostat, beam-screen, beam-pipe, (slight) permeability of collars not included May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

21 AP: Effects to be expected
Courtesy of B. Holzer AP: Effects to be expected magnets are shorter than MB Standards  change of geometry distortion of design orbit by ~7 mm non-linear transfer function (3.5 TeV)  distortion of closed orbit ~ mm R-Bends  S-Bends  edge focusing feed down effects from sagitta ? multipole effect on dynamic aperture ? Analytical approach / Mad-X / Sixtrack Simulations beta beat: tune shift: May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

22 difference in radial coordinate standard LHC – Nb3Sn LHC local result
Courtesy of B. Holzer difference in radial coordinate standard LHC – Nb3Sn LHC local result Δx ≈7 mm May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

23 Transfer Function Correction
Below Inom 11 T Dipole is stronger than MB MCBM A MCBCM 2.8 A MCBYM A May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

24 The Story of the Transfer Function ... a closed orbit problem
Courtesy of B. Holzer effect of nb3sn field error (1.5 Tm) two dipoles distorted orbit, but partially compensated in a closed 180 degree bump ΔΦ = ≈ modulo180 degree one Nb3Sn magnet Δx ≈ ± 15 mm May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

25 The Story of the Transfer Function ... a closed orbit problem
Courtesy of B. Holzer effect of nb3sn field error (1.5 Tm) two dipoles distorted orbit, and corrected by the “usual methods” x(m) x(m) Δx ≈ mm  ≈ 5 σ at 3.5 TeV corrected by 20 orbcor dipoles two Nb3Sn magnets May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

26 ! The Story of the Transfer Function ... a closed orbit problem
Courtesy of B. Holzer field error corrected by 3 (20) most eff. correctors zooming the orbit distortion ... local distortion due to Δϕ ≈ phase relation, closed by MCBH correctors MCBH corrector strength: available: Tm needed: Tm = 42 % ! May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

27 New RB Circuit (Type 1) Trim2 Trim1 Main Power Converter
0.15H RB.A23 0.1H Trim1 Main Power Converter TRIM Power Converters Total inductance:15.5 H (152x0.1H + 2x0.15H) Total resistance: 1mW Output current: 13 kA Output voltage: 190 V Total inductance: 0.15 H Total resistance: 1mW RB output current: ±0.6 kA RB output voltage: ±10 V (+) Low current CL for the trim circuits Size of Trim power converters (-) Protection of the magnets Floating Trim PCs (>2 kV) coupled circuits Courtesy of H. Thiessen May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

28 Nested Trim Circuit 11 T Dipole current needs to be reduced
May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

29 Coil Magnetization MB (NbTi) 11 T Dipole Nb3Sn >10 X
Mid-Plane Inner Layer Mid-plane Outer layer Inner Layer Pole Outer Layer Pole May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

30 Persistent Current Effects
May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

31 Persistent Current Effects
May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

32 Additional Correctors?
MCS B3 = Tm MCD B5 = Tm May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

33 May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

34 Higher Multipoles 11 T Dipole Main Dipole May 2, 2011
b9 b9 May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

35 Sagitta: Feed Down Effects: Courtesy of B. Holzer l ρ aperture
Δr = s l ρ aperture feed down effects φ Feed Down Effects: Bdl I b3(syst) b3(pc) Σb Bρ 450 GeV Tm A *103 Tm 3.5 TeV Tm A *104 Tm 7 TeV Tm A *104 Tm May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

36 Feed Down Effects: Courtesy of B. Holzer Quadrupole Error: Tuneshift:
Beta Beat k1l ΔQ Δβ/β 450 GeV 2.79*10-3 0.031 20% 3.5 TeV 2.35*10-4 1.76% 7 TeV 2.41*10-4 1.80% Phase 1 D1 b3=3*10-4 0.0059 3.9% considered as tolerance limit (DA) per Magnet May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

37 Field Quality: Dynamic Aperture Studies collision optics, 7 TeV
Courtesy of B. Holzer Field Quality: Dynamic Aperture Studies collision optics, 7 TeV dyn aperture luminosity optics, 7 TeV, minimum of 60 seeds dynamic aperture for ... ideal Nb3Sn dipoles (red) full error table (green) and for completeness: limits in DA for the phase 1 upgrade study (blue) for the experts: the plot shows the minimum DA for the 60 error distribution seeds used in the tracking calculations. May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

38 Field Quality: Dynamic Aperture Studies
Courtesy of B. Holzer Field Quality: Dynamic Aperture Studies injection optics, 450 GeV, no spool piece correctors dyn aperture injection optics, minimum of 60 seeds dynamic aperture for Nb3Sn case: full error table (red) b3 reduced to 50% (green) b3 reduced to 25% (violett) b3 = 0 and to compare with: present LHC injection for the experts: unlike to the collision case: at injection the b3 of the Nb3Sn dipoles is the driving force to the limit in dynamic aperture. A scan in b3 values has been performed and shows that values up to b3 ≈ 20 units are ok. Alternative solution: strong local spool piece corrector ... which is being studied at the very moment. May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

39 Summary (1/2) The magnet technology exists and can meet the requirements. Base-line is 5.5 m long CM. Magnet design is based on engineering choices proven by the HFM programs and LHC magnet production. The 2 m 1-in-1 demonstrator magnet is well underway and the engineering design of the 2-in-1 demonstrator is in progress. First optics studies: Orbit can be corrected by using a significant factor of corrector strength outside of DS. Trim PC would solve the problem. b3 @450 GeV can be tolerated up to ˜20 units, which seems achievable (passive shimming, B3 corrector..). May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

40 Summary (2/2) The integration into the LHC is common effort with with the (cryo-) collimator R&D. The time scale of the planned upgrade is challenging and requires close collaboration and parallel production lines at CERN and at FNAL. May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

41 Refs [1] A.V. Zlobin, G. Apollinari, N. Andreev, E. Barzi, V.V. Kashikhin, F. Nobrega, I. Novitski , B. Auchmann, M. Karppinen, L. Rossi “Development Of Nb3sn 11 T Single Aperture Demonstrator Dipole For Lhc Upgrades”, presented at PAC-2011, New York, March 2011. [2] G. de Rijk, A. Milanese, E. Todesco, “11 Tesla Nb3Sn dipoles for phase II collimation in the Large Hadron Collider”, sLHC Project Note 0019, 2010. [2] A.V. Zlobin et al., “Development of Nb3Sn accelerator magnet technology at Fermilab”, Proc. of PAC2007, Albuquerque, NM, June 2007. [3] J. Ahlbäck et al., “Electromagnetic and Mechanical Design of a 56 mm Aperture Model Dipole for the LHC“, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, July 1994, vol 30, No. IV, pp [4] G. Ambrosio et al., “Magnetic Design of the Fermilab 11 T Nb3Sn Short Dipole Model”, IEEE Trans. on Applied Supercond., v. 10, No. 1, March 2000, p.322. [5] M.B. Field et al., “Internal tin Nb3Sn conductors for particle accelerator and fusion applications,” Adv. Cryo. Engr., vol. 54, pp. 237–243, 2008. [6] G. Chlachidze et al., “The study of single Nb3Sn quadrupole coils using a magnetic mirror structure,” presented at ASC’2010, Washington, DC, 2010. [7] V.V. Kashikhin and A.V. Zlobin, “Correction of the Persistent Current Effect in Nb3Sn Dipole Magnets”, IEEE Trans. on Applied Supercond., v. 11, No. 1, March 2001, p May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

42 Acknowledgements R. Assmann, R. Denz, G. De Rijk, P. Fessia,
Milanese, R. Ostojic, D.Ramos, H. Thiessen, E. Todesco May 2, 2011 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML

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