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Number the Stars WW II.

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1 Number the Stars WW II


3 KWHLAQ Let’s begin with “K” In your notebooks write what you know about WWII.

4 W = What do I want to Learn
In your NB write what you expect to learn about WWII? Write at least 4 to 5 questions. Example: How many countries fought in WWII? How many people died during the war?

5 H = How do I find out? Think about the questions that you have written. How do you plan to find the answers to them?

6 Need to know…

7 Europe before WWII At the end of WWI, in 1918, Germany had lost the war and was forced to pay for the damages of the war. Kaiser Wilhem II was forced to abdicate and was exiled. The Weimar Republic was created and Germans had to accept the Treaty of Versailles.

8 Vocabulary Abdicate: (of a monarch) renounce one's throne.
Exile: expel and bar (someone) from their native country. Kaiser : emperor Treaty of Versailles: Signed at the Palace of Versailles in France on June 28, 1919. Consisted of 440 Articles setting out the terms for Germany's punishment after they had taken responsibility for the Great War that had raged from 28 July, 1914 to 11 November, 1918.


10 Due on Tuesday. Write your answers in your NB.
Investigate When did WWI begin? What was the cause of WWI? Which countries fought in WWI? Due on Tuesday. Write your answers in your NB.

11 1. WWI began in 1914 and ended in 1918

12 2. Cause of WWI On June 28, 1914, a young Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Taking place against a backdrop of escalating tensions in the Balkans, the assassination set off a chain of events that would lead to the start of World War I barely one month later. Austria-Hungary initiated World War I by declaring war on Serbia in July 1914.

13 3. Countries that fought in WWI
The Allies: Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States. These countries fought against the Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.

14 Aftermath of WWI In 1921 the war reparations totaled 269 billion Marks or the equivalent of 32 billion dollars. Germany’s inability to pay the debt led to much strain in the country’s economy contributing significantly to inflation (a rise in the prices of goods & services). 

15 The Years 1922-1923 -- Hyperinflation!
By the end of 1923, a life savings of a hundred thousand Marks would not buy a loaf of bread. Hyperinflation is an economic condition most often seen in third-world countries or emerging economies. It is when inflation is extremely high and increasing at a rapid pace. Example: The typical inflation rate for the United States, and any healthy economy, is around two percent per year. In 2008, Zimbabwe experienced days when the annualized inflation rate was eight billion percent.



18 Economic Condition in 1924 In 1924, a payment plan was worked out and Germany's economy improved. However, it made the German economy, as well as the economies of the rest of Europe, dependent on the United States. A cycle of loans was created: The U.S. loaned money to Germany, which then made reparations to other European nations, which then used the money to pay off their debts to America. Therefore, any problems with the U.S. economy could severely hurt Germany and the rest of Europe.


20 Reflection What are the results of a war – on the people and on the economy of a country? Write your answer in your notebook.

21 Causes of WW2



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