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Rapid Research - Cybercrime

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1 Rapid Research - Cybercrime

2 Vocabulary Alert: anitvirus software - usually keeps big lists of known viruses and scans your computer looking for the virus programs in order to get rid of them. DDoS Attack - Distributed Denial of Service Attack. Typically a virus installed on many computers (thousands) activate at the same time and flood a target with traffic to the point the server becomes overwhelmed. firewall - software that runs on servers (often routers) that only allows traffic through according to some set of security rules. Phishing Scam - a thief trying to trick you into sending them sensitive information. Typically these include s about system updates asking you send your username and password, social security number or other things. SSL/TLS - Secure Sockets layer / Transport Layer Security - An encryption layer of HTTP that uses public key cryptography to establish a secure connection. virus - a program that runs on a computer to do something the owner of the computer does not intend. Cybercrime - any instance where digitally stored data falls into the hands of someone not originally intended to have access to it"

3 PURPOSE: Review terminology about cybersecurity and crime that is relevant for the AP CS Principles Exam Practice research and writing skills that will help students on the Explore PT.

4 To conclude our thinking about encryption and security we're going to look at how cybercrimes are conducted, how cybersecurity measures can protect us, and what the implications are of data leaking. Then you'll research a particular cybercrime and quickly prepare a one-pager about it.

5 You are going to watch a video touches on a number of topics that you might choose to research later: DDoS Attacks (and Bot Nets) Cyber warfare Viruses and Anti Virus Software Phishing Scams Credit Card theft Types of people who commit cybercrimes

6 Watch The Internet: Cybersecurity and Crime - Video in Code Studio Complete the Cybersecurity and Crime Video Worksheet - Video Worksheet

7 DAY 1: Choose Innovation, Read and Research
Review Activity Guide and Rubric: At the beginning of the project, review the one- pager template and rubric. The written component is quite short. You probably have space for at most words per response. Choosing Your Cybercrime Event: You have 20 minutes to choose a topic. Do not leave class today without a topic in mind and ideally with some resources identified. Luckily, in choosing your topic, you will likely have begun to identify resources you can use in completing your project. Conducting Your Research: This document is intended to serve primarily as a guide to students for identifying online sources of information. The skill you need to develop is identifying useful resources on your own and then synthesizing this information. Being presented with a structured way of doing this means students will have a model for how to complete their research when completing the actual Explore PT.

8 DAY 2 – REVIEW Cybercrime Definition: The definition of a cybercrime event as "any instance where digitally stored data falls into the hands of someone not originally intended to have access to it

9 Day 2 - Prepare one-pager
Complete One-Pager: You should find this aspect of your project most familiar. The prompts are similar in style and content to prompts you have already seen. You need to be clear in your writing, and everything must fit on a single page. If they have responded completely to each of the prompts, it is fine to write less. You MUST finish this project today – we are simulating what will happen in February when you are working on your College Board performance tasks. There is a time limit and we have to stick to it.


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