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Coverage Classes Object Overloading Inheritance
Pass by reference and by value Interface Overriding Abstract Access specifier
Creating Class and object in java
/** Description of the class */ class classNm1{ //describe the variable access_spec varNm; describe the constructor access_spec classNm1(){ varNm = 0; } deiscribe the holds the value of rollno of the holds………. access_spec return_type methodNm(type param1, type param2..){ Statements; class classNm2{ public staic void main(String[] args){ access_spec varNm1; access_spec varNm2; classNm1 objectNm = new classNm1(); objectNm.methodNm(varNm1,varNm2);
Overloading More than one methods or constructor having same name with different no. of parameter,types of parameters.
Inheritance Multiple inheritance not supported by java
To inherit use the keyword extends Public classNm extends parentClass
Single public class A { int i=0; void doSomething () { i = 5; } } class B extends A { int j = 0; void doSomethingMore () { j = 10; i += j; } }
class C extends B { int k; void doEvenMore (); doSomething (); doSomethingMore (); }
Pass by reference or value
Pass by value – any primitive value Reference – object to be passed
Access Specifier Java provides for 4 access modifiers :
public - access by any other class anywhere. public int publicVariable; public void publicMethod(); protected - accessible by the package classes and any subclasses that are in other packages . Default - (also known as "package private“/friendly) accessible to classes in the same package but not by classes in other packages, even if these are subclasses. private - accessible only within the class. Even methods in subclasses in the same package do not have access. Note that a java file can have only one public class.
Packages A package is the Java version of a library.
A package refers simply to a group of related class files in the same directory and having in each class file a package directive with that directory name at the top of the file. At the top of each file we put the statement package mypack; if you do not put your class into a package, it is placed into the "default unnamed package". If you DO NOT USE : any other class in the unnamed package has access to your class's fields and methods that are not set to private.
A P1 P2 C B F P3 E D Access Specifiers Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Class F Public Yes yes private no No protected default
Modifiers -Final FINAL VARIBLES
The final modifier indicates that a data field cannot be modified: final double PI = 3.14; Any attempt to assigne PI to a new value will result in a runtime error. To use them in other class declare them as static public class MyMath { public final static double TWO_PI = 6.28; ... } double y = theta / MyMath.TWO_PI; FINAL METHOD they cannot be overriden by subclasses. eg : public final double MyFormula() FINAL CLASS Restricts inheritance/subclassing
Modifier-Static Shared variable and methods of a class
Access by classname.staticVariable Called as class variables and class methods Cannot access an non-static variable from a static method as they are instance variables
Others Native – code outside JVM Transient – object written to file.
Synchronised – used in thread based programs. Volatile – simultaneously modified by many thread.
Using & executing Example : package xyz.student;
public class studentDet{ public static void main(String[])….. } USING : import xyz.student.studentDet; OR import xyz.student.*; EXECUTING : javac pack2\ java pack2.derivedOtherclass SET CLASSPATH = %CLASSPATH%;DIRNAME\xys\student;
Abstract Class public class Shape { double getArea () { return 0.0;} } public class Rectangle extends Shape { double ht = 0.0; double wd = 0.0; public double getArea () { return (ht*wd); } public void setHeight(double ht) { = ht; } public void setWidth (double wd) { this.wd = wd; } } public class Circle extends Shape { double r = 0.0; public double getArea () { return (3.14 * r * r); } public void setRadius (double r) { this.r = r; } }
abstract class Shape { abstract int getArea(); }
If 1 or > abstract methods exists exists in a class,then the class also also has to be declared as abstract No objects can be created. Cannot declare abstract constructors,abstract static methods. Either implement all the methods or declare the class itself as abstract.
Object class and Functions
Method(Public) Purpose toString() Returns the string object eg: Obj1.Equals(obj2) Data members must be same getClass() Returns the class of the current obj hashCode() Calculates the hashcode value of the obj,used to store in hashtables. Details in java.util Notify() Wake a thread associated with a thread Notifyalll() Wake all the threads Wait() Asks the thread to wait for changes in obj. (Protected) Clone() Creates a copy of the obj Finalize() Called when the obj is destroyed
Animal -> cat,dog,horse
Animal -> cat,dog,horse. Variable -> petType of Animal Type Class objectType = pet.getClass(); s.o.pln(objectType.getName()); o/p dog
String class and Functions
campareTo--- returns a int val -ive if str1 < str2 0 if str1= str2 +ive if str > str2
Casting objects InstanceOf---- if(obj instanceOf class) If(obj.getClass() == classnm.class) If(obj.getClass().getName().equalsEgnoreCase(“classnm”));
Interface A class may implement one or more interfaces.
a class implementing that interface will need to provide the methods specified by the interface The methods of an interface are abstract. All methods of an interface must be public,abstract. An interface can also have fields declared as final and static (in other words constants). the method specifications of the interface must match in class, it will also provide bodies. Interface is declared public,protected,default so that it can be accessed from any class.
example interface Counting { abstract void increment(); abstract int getValue(); } class ScoreCounter implements Counting { .... }
To actually use this interface you create a class that includes a public double calculateTariff() method and declare that the class implements Import. For instance here's one such class: public class Car extends MotorVehicle implements Import { int numWheels = 4; public double calculateTariff() { return this.price * 0.1; } } One of the advantages of interfaces over classes is that a single class may implement more than one interface. For example, this Car class implements three interfaces: Import, Serializable, and Cloneable import*; public class Car extends MotorVehicle implements Import, Serializable, Cloneable { int numWheels = 4; Serializable and Cloneable are marker interfaces from the class library that only add a type to a class, but do not declare any additional methods.
Implementing the Cloneable Interface
The java.lang.Object class contains a clone() method that returns a bitwise copy of the current object. protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException Not all objects are cloneable. It particular only instances of classes that implement the Cloneable interface can be cloned. Trying to clone an object that does not implement the Cloneable interface throws a CloneNotSupportedException. For example, to make the Car class cloneable, you simply declare that it implements the Cloneable interface. Since this is only a marker interface, you do not need to add any methods to the class. public class Car extends MotorVehicle implements Cloneable { // ... } For example Car c1 = new Car("New York A12 345", 150.0); Car c2 = (Car) c1.clone(); Most classes in the class library do not implement Cloneable so their instances are not cloneable. Most of the time, clones are shallow copies. In other words if the object being cloned contains a reference to another object A, then the clone contains a reference to the same object A, not to a clone of A. If this isn't the behavior you want, you can override clone() yourself.
Uncloning derived class
You may also override clone() if you want to make a subclass uncloneable, when one of its superclasses does implement Cloneable. In this case simply use a clone() method that throws a CloneNotSupportedException. For example, public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Can't clone a SlowCar"); } You may also want to override clone() to make it public instead of protected. In this case, you can simply fall back on the superclass implementation. For example, return super.clone(); }
Exception Object Throwable Error Exception
Error Not supposed to handle
Eg. threadDeath,linkageError,VirtualMachineError
Runtime exception Eg. IndexOutOfbounds,NullPointerException,ArithmeticException,NegativeArraySizeException,IlegalParameterException.
Handling try{ Statements; } catch(Exception e){ s.o.pln(“error is : ” + e.getMessage()); Finally{ statements;
Nested try Try{ statements; try{ statement; catch(ArithmeticException ea){ } Catch(exception e){
The methods of the Throwable class are:
toString() Returns the exception followed by a message string (if one exit) . getMessage() Returns the message string of the Throwable object. printStackTrace() Returns the full name of the exception class and some additional information apart from the information of first two method. getCause() Returns the exception that caused the occurrence of current exception. initCause() Returns the current exception due to the Throwable constructors and the Throwable argument to initCause.
User defined Throw throws
chained try { } catch (IOException e) { throw new TestException("Other IOException", e); }
Types Byte Character
Byte Streams - classes InputStream OutputStream Abstract
InputStream SequenceInputStream FileInputStream ByteArrayInputStream ObjectInputStream FilterInputStream PipedInputStream DataInputStream BufferedInputStream PushBackDataInputStream
Reader and Writer for unicode
InputStreamReader BufferedReader CharArrayReader FilterReader StringReader PipedReader
Threads Extend thread class Implement runnable interface
The procedure for creating threads :
A class implements the Runnable interface, providing the run() method that will be executed by the thread. An object of this class is a Runnable object. An object of Thread class is created by passing a Runnable object as argument to the Thread constructor. The Thread object now has a Runnable object that implements the run() method. The start() method is invoked on the Thread object created in the previous step. The start() method returns immediately after a thread has been spawned. The thread ends when the run() method ends, either by normal completion or by throwing an uncaught exception.
Extending Thread Class
A class extending the Thread class overrides the run() method from the Thread class to define the code executed by the thread. This subclass may call a Thread constructor explicitly in its constructors to initialize the thread, using the super() call. The start() method inherited from the Thread class is invoked on the object of the class to make the thread eligible for running.
Synchronization synchronized methods
public synchronized void run() { SynchronizedOutput.displayList(getName(), msg); } synchronized blocks synchronized (<object reference expression>) { <code block> }
Avoid Deadlock Keep blocks short - Synchronized blocks should be short. Don't block - Don't ever call a method that might block, such as,inside a synchronized block or method. Don't invoke methods on other objects while holding a lock.
Java.lang Boolean Character Class ClassLoader Double Float Integer
Long Math Number Object Process Runtime SecurityManager String StringBuffer System Thread ThreadGroup Throwable
Java.util Date Hashtable Random Stack StringTokenizer Vector
Collection- arraylist,linkedlist bitset
Sequence or list object object Object link Object link FIFO object
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