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Presentation on theme: "Please sign in, grab a cookie, and take a seat!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sign in, grab a cookie, and take a seat!
Welcome JSA Members Please sign in, grab a cookie, and take a seat!


3 Website

4 Website

5 Diogo Presents: The American Party
A presentation on the united states two largest political parties:

6 The Party Webster defines as: “Group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power” What is Political Power?  

7 Power is derived from:

8 So then what is politics?
Power =ability to effect change Politics is defined as: the art or science of government b: the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c: the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government Really its just: the art of the possible

9 Brief History of American Parties:

10 Democrats A Brief History Founded in 1828:oldest party in the world
Has elected 15 Presidents Since the 1930s: Socially liberal and progressive platform Famous Democrats include: FDR, JFK, Obama , Modern Platform Recently more centrist economic and socially progressive agenda More social freedoms, affirmative action, balanced budget, and mixed market economy Most recently universal health care.

11 Republicans A Brief History GOP—Founded in 1854, Lincoln’s Party
18 republican presidents Dominated American politics from Famous Republicans include: Bush, Lincoln, Romney, John Boehner Modern Platform American Conservatism: Fiscal Conservatism, free markets (Laissez-fair) Opposed to large federal spending Feels that government is more of a liability then an asset

12 Issues: Obama-care Gay marriage Abortion Spending States Rights
Constitution Education

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