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3520 TV Theory Lecture 1: On the course Course site: uio

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1 3520 TV Theory Lecture 1: On the course Course site: http://www. uio

2 Round of presentations
Name, origin? Previous studies in Norway? Previous studies in television or media theory?

3 Aims of the course Knowing key texts in the field of TV theory
Knowing how to synthesise, overview and evaluate the field by means of source texts and supplementary readings Demonstrating use of the essay format to demonstrate knowledge, synthesis, overview and evaluation

4 The lectures Lectures provide overview of paper topic: the field and the key texts 1+2: overview, with reference to key texts 3-6: on source texts, with attention to their interrelations, to secondary comments and influence on the field 7: Students’ proposed topic(s)

5 The seminars Seminars provide setting for working with the term paper itself: structured according to ideal working process Seminars provide feedback and advice for work with the term paper Seminars provide advice on gathering information for the paper, e.g library work Not compulsory - but if you show up, you follow up!

6 The term paper task “Explain the key ideas and arguments in one of these source texts: Williams’ “Television”; Meyrowitz’ “No sense of place”; Scannell’s “Radio, television and modern life”; Caldwell’s “Televisuality”; Ellis’ “Seeing things”. Place the source text within one or several relevant academic/intellectual contexts. Discuss some relevant strengths and limitations of the source texts in light of other relevant perspectives on the understanding of television.”

7 The term paper requirements
Approx words Essay form Tests ability for theoretical overview, synthesis and evaluation Tests ability to find and draw on secondary literature Not analytic - through empirical illustration is fine

8 The reading Compulsory: Corner, 128p
Reading total 800p; 672p chosen by the individual student The individually chosen reading must include at least one source text Students must find relevant supplementary reading to fill up the 800 pages Individual reading lists to be approved by Ytreberg

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