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Cre-8-ivity While you wait, try solving these brainteasers.

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Presentation on theme: "Cre-8-ivity While you wait, try solving these brainteasers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cre-8-ivity While you wait, try solving these brainteasers.
1) 26 L of the A 2) 7 W of the W 3) 1,001 A N 4) 12 S of the Z 5) 54 C in a D (with J) 6) 9 P in the S S 7) 88 P K 8) 13 S on the A F 9) 1 D at a T 10) 18 H on a G C

2 Welcome to TAG! Shakerag Elementary 2016-2017

3 Why is my child in TAG? Eligibility criteria is set by the State of Georgia and Fulton County. Students in TAG have earned qualifying scores in 3 of 4 categories:

4 What will my child learn?
TAG units extend and enrich Georgia Performance Standards in Science and Social Studies. Each marking period will focus on a different TAG standard. Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Advanced Research Higher Order Critical Thinking ∞Advanced Communication Skills will be evaluated all 3 marking periods

5 How are students graded in TAG?
Students do not receive letter or number grades in TAG; all of the skills are developing, and students are not expected to exhibit mastery Students will be evaluated with an S or N on Progress Skills Checklists at the conclusion of each instructional unit 3 Progress Skills Checklists will be sent home this year Each marking period will focus on a different TAG standard. Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Advanced Research Higher Order Critical Thinking ∞Advanced Communication Skills will be evaluated all 3 marking periods

6 When will my child go to TAG?
TAG is a one day per week, pull out program (attendance is important!); however, students return to their homeroom for… Math Special Area instruction Lunch & Recess

7 Will my child have extra work?
Students are responsible for homework given by their regular ed teachers on their TAG day. Students are not normally given make-up classwork for the day that they miss. TAG teachers rarely give homework, although occasionally students may be asked to bring information or supplies to class for the following week.

8 What will my child need to bring to class each week?
Agenda Take-Home Folder Snack Lunch (unless purchasing from the cafeteria) A mind that is willing to learn new things!

9 WDYDITT! Your child will bring home a WDIDITT (What Did You Do In Tag Today) sheet every week. This form contains a synopsis of our day and an update about your child’s social skills and work habits.

10 How do we communicate? Discuss WDYDITT with your child
Website: Introductory letter for each unit Advocate for the Gifted program; Join FCSG (Fulton County Supporters of the Gifted) at

11 Cre-8-ivity Answers to brainteasers.
1) 26 Letters of the Alphabet 2) 7 Wonders of the World 3) 1,001 Arabian Nights 4) 12 Signs of the Zodiac 5) 54 Cards in a Deck (with Jokers) 6) 9 Planets in the Solar System 7) 88 Piano Keys 8) 13 Stripes on the American Flag 9) 1 Day at a Time 10) 18 Holes on a Golf Course

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