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TaoStore Overcoming Asynchronicity in Oblivious Data Storage

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1 TaoStore Overcoming Asynchronicity in Oblivious Data Storage
Cetin Sahin, VICTOR Zakhary, AMR El Abbadi, HUIJIA (RACHEL) Lin, STEFANO Tessaro University of California, Santa barbara IEEE Security and Privacy, 2016

2 Outsourced Private Data
Alice read (a) write (c, data) ACK  outsource  read (b) Security Concerns? Confidentiality of Data Is encryption enough? Encryption Outsourcing private data has become increasingly popular and every day we have more and more cloud based storage services. These services provides useful features but what about security concerns? We need to secure the confidentiality of the data and encryption is a tool to secure the confidentiality. The question that we need to ask is whether encryption is enough or not. Unfortunately the answer to this question is no! Access patterns leak sensitive information.  next slide Encryption alone is not enough!!! Access patterns can leak sensitive information [Islam et al. NDSS’12] read(1), read(1) vs read(1), write(3)

3 Outsourced Private Data
Secret State Alice ORAM Goal: Oblivious Access Translate each logical access to a sequence of random-looking accesses To hide access pattern, we would like to achieve oblivious access. Basically, we are looking for a way to translate each logical access to a sequence of random-looking accesses. Oblivious Ram ensures Oblivious access. It was initially proposed by Goldreich and Ostrovsky in 96 and this has been followed up by more practical ORAM solutions. These solutions usually store secret state that contains some information about the storage on the client site. Are these solutions enough? No. these solutions work only for single client.  Next slide OBLIVIOUS RAM (ORAM) Goldreich and Ostrovsky ’96 More practical solutions: MG’11, DB’11, ES’11, EK’12, ES’12, PW’12, ES’13, CG’13, KC’13, KC’14, LR’15, TM’15 , SD’16, … Single client

4 Multi-Client Scenario
 outsource  read (a) trusted Alice ORAM Client Secret State Single ORAM Client Secret State ACK read (a) Bob Limited concurrency We consider a different scenario where a company outsources its data and the trusted authorized employees access this shared data. The access can be concurrent. In such a scenario, to achieve oblivious access the straightforward solution would be using single ORAM client in the middle if we don’t care about the efficiency and performance since this will sequentialize the accesses. To date, limited number of solutions leverages parallelism to increase the throughput. PrivateFS enables parallel accesses however it support small number of concurrent access. ObliviStore considers a proxy model where the oram client mediates the client requests. The secret state is stored in oram client and it performs concurrent accesses to storages. The similar design is also used in CURIOUS. Another important variable in such a scenario is asynchronicity, which is important for both security and efficiency. However, it was not captured well by earlier works previously.  Next Slide write (c, data) Carolyn PrivateFS [Williams et al. CCS’12] Concurrency ObliviStore [Stefanov et al. Oakland’13] Asynchronicity CURIOUS [Bindschaedler et al. CCS’15]

5 Contributions A security model for asynchronous ORAM and attack
TaoStore: A new asynchronous and concurrent tree-based oblivious storage We have two main contributions: - A security model for asynchronous ORAM and attack - TaoStore: Tree-based asynchronous and concurrent oblivious storage Let me start explaining our initial contribution

6 Asynchronous ORAM – Threat Model
Honest-but-curious adversary Sees raw storage data Network communication Storage Asynchronous links Adversarially controlled schedule trusted ORAM Client Access operations Adaptively scheduled by adversary Adversary learns response timing New Our threat model assumes a honest-but-curious adversary which can see raw storage and network communication of the server. It controls the asynchronous link where she can delay the messages arbitrarily long. Additionally, an adversary can schedule access operations adaptively and learn the timing of the responses. ObliviStore’s security model is inherently non-adaptive and does not leak the response time information. However, this information is important. The network might be intruded or the clients will have different behaviors triggered with the answers. There might also be a side channel leakeage.  Next slide Important: Network Intruder Adaptive Scheduling Side Channel Alice Bob ObliviStore [Stefanov et al’13] non-adaptive scheduling + no response time

7 Asynchronous ORAM - Security
We formalize obliviousness in this setting Two timing-consistent executions should be indistinguishable in threat model aaob-security: adaptive asynchronous obliviousness Considering the threat model we formalize the obliviousness. Two timing consistent executions should be indistinguishable. We have an indistinguishability based security definition: adaptive asynchronous obliviousness, or aaob security for short. I will not get into the details of the definition here, and please refer to paper for more details.  Next Slide Indistinguishability-based security definition. See the paper!

8 Are existing systems aaob-secure?
ObliviStore is not secure [Bindschaedler et al.] CURIOUS is secure in ObliviStore’s threat model Bindschaedler and his team showed that ObliviStore has security problem, though, CURIOUS is secire in ObliviStore’s threat model. In this work we show that CURIOUS is not aaob secure.  Next Slide We show CURIOUS is not aaob-secure Note: No claims are incorrect in CURIOUS

9 CURIOUS [Bindschaedler et al CCS’15]
SubORAM Secret State SubORAM Secret State SubORAM Partition storage space RET(a) RET(b) RET(b) RET(a) Proxy Proxy Secret State Secret State GET(a) GET(b) Every access to a random partition Items randomly re-assigned after every access Before presenting our attack, let me briefly explain how CURIOUS. It considers a modular design and partitions the storage space. a single oram client is run each partition and every access is performed on a random partition. items are randomly re-assigned after every access. Concurrency is achieved through partitioning. If there are concurrent accesses on distinct items they are likely will go to different partitions. How does CURIOUS handle concurrent accesses on same item?  Next Slide READ(a) READ(b) Conc accesses to diff partitions How about conc accesses on same item? Alice Bob

10 CURIOUS [Bindschaedler et al CCS’15]
SubORAM Secret State SubORAM Secret State SubORAM RET(a) RET($) RET(a) RET(a) Proxy Secret State Secret State GET(a) GET($) How about conc accesses on same item? Uses Fake access. Only one of the requests will trigger a real access and the others trigger fake random accesses.  Next slide READ(a) READ(a) Only one real access Others fake (random) accesses Alice Bob

11 Attack Against CURIOUS
Reminder Controls scheduling of messages + operations Knows response timings Access same item Access distinct items Server Proxy Server Proxy real real real fake READ(a) READ(b) RET(b) RET(a) READ(a) READ(a) RET(a) Now it is time to see our attack. We consider two cases: - First two concurrent accesses on same item which will be shown on the left hand side of the slide - Second, two concurrent accesses on distinct items with similar timing. Initial request invokes real accesses for item a on both sides. The second concurrent access invokes a fake access operation on the left hand side since there is an ongoing access for a. On the other hand, there is a real access for item b. Since the network is asynchronous and under the control of an adversary, the response the second requests can return earlier. When this is the case, the response for item b is returned on the right however, the second request on the left hand side cannot be replied since the item has not been fetched yet. When the response for the first request returns, proxy return answers to for a’s. The attacker learn whether the accesses are on same item or not and this violates the obliviousness. We will see the fix for it later.  Next slide Attacker learns whether the accesses are on same item or not Fix? See later …

12 Contributions A security model for asynchronous ORAM and attack
TaoStore: A new asynchronous and concurrent tree-based oblivious storage Now it is time to present TaoStore…

13 CURIOUS: Modular, but two drawbacks
Security: Not aaob-secure Efficiency: partitioning → concurrency (Underlying single-client ORAM not concurrent) Curious is modular but it has two drawbacks: As we just covered, it is not aaob secure And the underlying oram client is not concurrent and it achieves concurrency by partitioning Here we would like to achieve native concurrenct where partitioning can be a simple add-on Wanted: Native concurrency! Partitioning as simple add-on

14 Our solution – TaoStore
aaob-secure Tree-Based Asynchronous Oblivious Store Simple Atomic semantics Fully concurrent Enables easy partitioning We developed TaoStore: Tree based Asynchronous Oblivious Store. It is simple, fully concurrent and enables easy partitioning. It ensures aaob security and atomic semantics. There are many single client tree based oram solutions available, but the main challenge is how to make tree-based oram concurrent.  Next slide Many tree-based single-client ORAMs available: ES’11, ES’13, CG’13, KC’13, KC’14, XW’15, LR’15, SD’16, TM’15, … Main challenge How to make tree-based ORAM concurrent?

15 Starting point – Path ORAM [Stefanov et al CCS’13]
Server Storage is organized as a binary tree O(1) blocks a Every access to a random path Items randomly re-assigned after every access Leaf 1 Leaf 2 Leaf 3 Leaf 4 Proxy Let’s initially understand how tree based orams work. Consider a popular solution Path-Oram. Path ORAM organizes the storage as a binary tree and the nodes of the tree contains constant number of blocks. Every access operation happens to a random path and items are re-assigned after every access. The assignment is stored in position map in proxy. It is possible to outsource position map recursively, but we don’t consider this case in our work. Possible to outsource position map recursively Stash a→3 Stores the assignment Pos Map

16 Starting point – Path ORAM
Server Read/Write block a 1) Read path Fetch associated path Read/Modify block Assign block to a new random path in position map a a Leaf 1 Leaf 2 Leaf 3 Leaf 4 2) Flush Push every block to the lowest non-full node that intersects with its assigned path (otherwisestash) If root is full move to stash Proxy a a The access operation on block a happens in three steps. The first step is reading the path. The associated path of item a is fetched to the proxy and then the item is processed. Then, it is assigned to a new random path. The second step is flush. It tries to push every block to a lowest node that intersects with its associated path. Here two cases might happen. First, if the root is full, then move a to a stash. Otherwise, place the a into subtree. Third, re-encrypt the path with fresh randomness and write-back. 3) Write-back Re-encrypt w/ fresh randomness Stash a→1 a→3 Pos Map

17 TaORAM – Basic Approach
How to handle ≤ k concurrent requests? Server Two problems Process k operations Fetch corresponding k paths Form a subtree in proxy STAGE 1 Concurrent accesses on same block Leaf 1 Leaf 2 Leaf 3 Leaf 4 Proxy Re-assign k items to new random paths Flush along the entire subtree and write-back STAGE 2 Blocking flush and write-back Stash Pos Map

18 From Partial to Full Concurrency
Server Non-blocking write-back Continue processing operations while write-back is ongoing Acknowledgement Proxy What should we delete?

19 ? What should we delete? keep! now + more cases fresh stale Server
Acknowledgement fresh Server Proxy Proxy ? keep! Req WB ACK Res stale Server Proxy waiting for Req WB ACK Res + more cases

20 TaoStore Achieves Full Concurrency
by maintaining “The items in the local subtree and stash are always up-to-date” Fresh-Subtree Invariant *See the correctness analysis in the paper.

21 Concurrent accesses on same item
security problem Use Fake Access (as in CURIOUS) Our solution: Sequencer Ensures logical requests replied in the same order they arrive Server Proxy TaORAM Sequencer READ(a) READ(b) RET(b) RET(a) requests replies serialized Generic solution: Also fixes CURIOUS

22 Cloud-based performance analysis
Block Size: 4 KB - 1 GB dataset (commodity workstation) + Storage Server: AWS EC2 (NorCal) Upstream/DownStream: 11 Mbytes/s. RTT: 12 ms Benchmark schedule: Adaptive requests saturation due to bandwidth exhaustion Bandwidth matters! 3/1/2016 PhD Proposal – Cetin Sahin

23 Cloud-based performance analysis
Block Size: 4 KB - 1 GB dataset (commodity workstation) + Storage Server: AWS EC2 (NorCal) Upstream/DownStream: 11 Mbytes/s. RTT: 12 ms Benchmark schedule: Adaptive requests a low-memory utilization achieves similar performance write-back in batches after k (240) path fetches 3/1/2016 PhD Proposal – Cetin Sahin

24 THANKS! A security model for asynchronous ORAM and attack
TaoStore: A new asynchronous and concurrent tree-based oblivious storage

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