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Welcome to French Club and French Honor Society

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to French Club and French Honor Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to French Club and French Honor Society
^^^^^^^^^^^we start off slow don't worry

2 Introductions Kristin Reed: President of French Honor Society
Sarah Nugent: President of French Club Emily Pettitt: Vice President of events Hannah Bigal: Vice President of  Rachel Weinman: Vice president of Social Action Gina Feliz: Vice President of Food Sarah Gan: Vice President of Fundraising

3 What we do here Watch French Movies, TV shows Games French book club
"french night outs" Eat French food Speak French

4 French Honor Society Specific
If you took French last year in the spring and have not yet been inducted to French honor society, but had submitted your application, DON’T WORRY, you are STILL IN FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY NOW, even though you wont be formally inducted until next spring. Graduation Cords Important: you must remain in French class throughout your three years at East to stay in French Honor Society and graduate with a cord. Community service project requirement

5 Community Service Project

6 Book Club Read a french novel or the french version of a popular english novel and discuss! Last year's novel was Harry Potter!

7 Events French night outs: Potlucks at people's houses Mardi Gras Party
The Melting Pot (last year's event was a success!) State Bleu Other local restaurants featuring food inspired by the francophone world Potlucks at people's houses Mardi Gras Party

8 Fundraising and Swag VERY IMPORTANT. Swag tbd

9 Questions?  Ideas?  Write your down.  We will contact you with the club's to let you know important information about meetings and events. Once we have the club established, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns that were not answered today, feel free to shoot us an ! If you have any ideas for events Emily at

10 Kahoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nous amusons!

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