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Charting a new course for HIV and health in Africa:

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Presentation on theme: "Charting a new course for HIV and health in Africa:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charting a new course for HIV and health in Africa:
The AU roadmap on shared responsibility and global solidarity for the response to AIDS, TB and Malaria

2 Number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries, by region, 2002–2011

3 Reliance higher for AIDS than health Source: Country Progress Reports; WHO

4 Percentage of care and treatment expenditures from international resources
Source: Country Progress Reports; Ethiopia’s Fourth National Health Accounts



7 Action Pillar One: Diversified financing
country-specific financial sustainability plans development partners meet existing commitments and with long-term and predictable commitments diversify funding sources in order to increase domestic resource allocation

8 Access to affordable and quality-assured medicines
Action Pillar Two: Access to affordable and quality-assured medicines investing in leading medicines hub manufacturers in Africa strengthen regional medicines regulatory harmonization initiatives and lay foundations for a single African regulatory agency technology transfers and south-south cooperation full use of TRIPS flexibilities; avoid "TRIPS-plus“ in trade agreements

9 Enhanced leadership and governance
Action Pillar Three: Enhanced leadership and governance use strategic investment approaches, including in social and legal enablers Invest in people and communities to know and claim their rights Strategic allocation of investments to contribute to health system strengthening Mobilize leadership at all levels

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