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Indus River Valley We will identify the civilization characteristics of the Indus River Valley.

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1 Indus River Valley We will identify the civilization characteristics of the Indus River Valley.

2 August 16th, 2016

3 4 Early River Civilizations

4 12 11 Social Structure Pyramid Indus Topic: Early Civilizations
EQ: What were the accomplishments of the Indus River Valley? 11 12 Social Structure Pyramid Indus River Valley 3000 BC – 1500 BC Located on the banks of the Indus and Ganges River Developed irrigation = large amounts of food Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro More than 30,000 people in each city Developed on grid systems and had sophisticated plumbing and sewage systems Collapse Indus River changes courses – Cities were abandoned Environment changes = no longer suitable for agriculture Aryans 1500 BC Indo-European settled in the Indus River Valley Caste system developed under Aryans to separate Aryan from non-Aryan Sanskrit = the first writing system of the Aryans Religion Hinduism created by the Aryans, sacred text the Vedas Polytheistic = believing in many gods Caste = determine social and economic elements Reincarnation = living things have souls, upon death souls transfer into new living creature Karma = Force generated by a person’s action that determines how the people will be reborn. Dharma = Set of rules that need to be followed to be reincarnated up a caste. Indus Record Keeping Complex Institutions Government, Religion, Economics Specialized Workers Cities Advanced Technology

5 Indus River Valley Indus and Ganges Rivers Flooding = fertile soil
Harrappa and Mohenjo-Daro More than 30,000 ppl in each city Intelligent city planning, sewer system 1A 2A 16AB 27A

6 15B 16ABC


8 Indus River Buildings Large cities such as Harrappa and Mohenjo-Daro were built along the Indus River Valley. These well developed cities had well laid out streets, grain storages, warehouses, and protective walls.

9 Indus River Buildings The houses all connected to public sewers and a water supply, making the Indus people the first ‘urban planners’. They were also the first people known to have made cloth.

10 Indus River Trade Trade was an important part of the Harrappan economy. Small clay seals, probably used for trading purposes have been found. A writing form was also developed, but it has yet to be deciphered. This civilization suddenly disappeared.



13 Collapse Indus River changed courses Environment changed
Cities were abandoned 2A

14 Aryans (1500 BC) Indo-Europeans settled in the Indus Valley
Caste system developed separate Aryan from non-Aryan Buddhism and Hinduism began in this region 2A 23A






20 “What you want to learn?”
HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Fill in the “K” and “W” on the KWL Chart based on your knowledge of Hinduism and Buddhism. Knowledge “What you know?” Want “What you want to learn?” Learned “What did you learn?”

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